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Coordination and Review Section

49 CFR 374.101




Subpart A--Discrimination in Operations of Interstate Motor Common Carriers of Passengers

Source: 36 FR 1338, Jan. 28, 1971, unless otherwise noted.
Redesignated at 61 FR 54709, Oct. 21, 1996.

Sec. 374.101 Discrimination prohibited.

No motor common carrier of passengers subject to 49 U.S.C. subtitle
IV, part B shall operate a motor vehicle in interstate or foreign
commerce on which the seating of passengers is based upon race, color,
creed, or national origin.

[36 FR 1338, Jan. 28, 1971. Redesignated at 61 FR 54709, Oct. 21, 1996,
as amended at 62 FR 15423, Apr. 1, 1997]

Sec. 374.103 Notice to be printed on tickets.

Every motor common carrier of passengers subject to 49 U.S.C.
subtitle IV, part B shall cause to be printed on every ticket sold by it
for transportation on any vehicle operated in interstate or foreign
commerce a plainly legible notice as follows: ``Seating aboard vehicles
operated in interstate or foreign commerce is without regard to race,
color, creed, or national origin.''

Note: The following interpretation of the provisions of Sec. 374.103
(formerly Sec. 1055.2) appears at 27 FR 230, Jan. 9, 1962:
The words, ``Seating aboard vehicles operated in interstate or
foreign commerce is without regard to race, color, creed, or national
origin'', should appear on the face of every ticket coming within the
purview of the section. If the ticket is in parts or consists of
additional elements, such as coupons, identification stubs, or checks,
it shall be sufficient for the purposes of Sec. 374.103 that the notice
appear only once on the ticket and be placed on the face of that portion
of the ticket which is held by the passenger.

[36 FR 1338, Jan. 28, 1971. Redesignated at 61 FR 54709, Oct. 21, 1996,
as amended at 62 FR 15423, Apr. 1, 1997]

Sec. 374.105 Discrimination in terminal facilities.

No motor common carrier of passengers subject to 49 U.S.C. subtitle
IV, part B shall in the operation of vehicles in interstate or foreign
commerce provide, maintain arrangements for, utilize, make available,
adhere to any understanding for the availability of, or follow any
practice which includes the availability of, any terminal facilities
which are so operated, arranged, or maintained as to involve any
separation of any portion thereof, or in the use thereof on the basis of
race, color, creed, or national origin.

[36 FR 1338, Jan. 28, 1971. Redesignated at 61 FR 54709, Oct. 21, 1996,
as amended at 62 FR 15423, Apr. 1, 1997]

Sec. 374.107 Notice to be posted at terminal facilities.

No motor common carrier of passengers subject to 49 U.S.C. subtitle
IV, part B shall in the operation of vehicles in interstate or foreign
commerce utilize any terminal facility in which there is not
conspicuously displayed and maintained so as to be readily visible to
the public a plainly legible sign or placard containing the full text of
these regulations. Such sign or placard shall be captioned: ``Public
Notice: Regulations Applicable to Vehicles and Terminal Facilities of
Interstate Motor Common Carriers of Passengers, by order of the
Secretary, U.S. Department of Transportation.''

[36 FR 1338, Jan. 28, 1971. Redesignated at 61 FR 54709, Oct. 21, 1996,
as amended at 62 FR 15423, Apr. 1, 1997]

Sec. 374.109 Carriers not relieved of existing obligations.

Nothing in this regulation shall be construed to relieve any
interstate motor common carrier of passengers subject to 49 U.S.C.
subtitle IV, part B of any of its obligations under 49 U.S.C. subtitle
IV, part B or its certificate(s) of public convenience and necessity.

[36 FR 1338, Jan. 28, 1971. Redesignated at 61 FR 54709, Oct. 21, 1996,
as amended at 62 FR 15423, Apr. 1, 1997]

Sec. 374.111 Reports of interference with regulations.

Every motor common carrier of passengers subject to 49 U.S.C.
subtitle IV, part B operating vehicles in interstate or foreign commerce
shall report to the Secretary, within fifteen (15) days of its
occurrence, any interference by any person, municipality, county,

[[Page 631]]

State, or body politic with its observance of the requirements of these
regulations in this part. Such report shall include a statement of the
action that such carrier may have taken to eliminate any such

[36 FR 1338, Jan. 28, 1971. Redesignated at 61 FR 54709, Oct. 21, 1996,
as amended at 62 FR 15423, Apr. 1, 1997]

Sec. 374.113 Definitions.

For the purpose of these regulations the following terms and phrases
are defined:
(a) Terminal facilities. As used in these regulations the term
``terminal facilities'' means all facilities, including waiting room,
rest room, eating, drinking, and ticket sales facilities which a motor
common carrier makes available to passengers of a motor vehicle operated
in interstate or foreign commerce as a regular part of their
(b) Separation. As used in Sec. 374.105, the term ``separation''
includes, among other things, the display of any sign indicating that
any portion of the terminal facilities are separated, allocated,
restricted, provided, available, used, or otherwise distinguished on the
basis of race, color, creed, or national origin.

[36 FR 1338, Jan. 28, 1971. Redesignated at 61 FR 54709, Oct. 21, 1996,
as amended at 62 FR 15423, Apr. 1, 1997]

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This page was last updated on November 13, 2000