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Alaska Mineral Resources

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Alaska Resource Data File (ARDF)


    This project is designed to provide a complete, up-to-date, user-friendly information source on metallic and selected non­metallic mineral occurrences in Alaska. This information is of critical importance for research and organizational responses with respect to mineral deposit studies, mineral deposit modeling, land assessments, abandoned mine lands, and land-use issues. Data in the Alaska Resource Data File (ARDF) are systematically updated and released on the Internet as Adobe Acrobat PDF files and in various database formats.




    Relevance and Impact

    The information collected and maintained by this project is fundamental to many types of minerals-related research and land-use issues. The data are used in resource assessments, mineral deposit modeling, and mineral-environmental studies. The data are also useful as a starting point for studies related to impacts of mining and mineral endowment. In addition, this information is of critical value to minerals exploration, and this project has received strong support from that industry. In Alaska, minerals exploration and development are at a level that requires ARDF to be continually updated and revised to ensure that the database remains useful.


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