Seven Steps
to performance-based acquisition
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step 1
What is
Performance Requirements Analysis?

The "Guidebook for Performance-Based Services Acquisition (PBSA) in the Department of Defense" calls the analysis that precedes the development of the performance work statement a "performance requirement analysis." It describes three "analysis-oriented steps" that is "top down" in nature.

  • Define the desired outcomes: List what needs to be accomplished in order to satisfy the overall requirement. Techniques: (1) Use an interview or brainstorming approach with the customer (user) to determine all dependent variables (what, when, where, who, quantity, quality levels , etc.) or (2) review previous requirements for validity and accuracy.
  • Conduct an outcome analysis: Identify specific performance objectives for those outcomes defined in the previous step. Techniques: (1) Segregate desired outcomes into lower task levels and link those tasks together into a logical flow of activities and/or (2) use a tree diagram to outline each of the basic outcomes.
  • Conduct a performance analysis: Identify how a performance objective should be measured and what performance standards are appropriate (including acceptable quality levels).

