Seven Steps
to performance-based acquisition
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step 1
What is Job Analysis?

OFPP's "Guide to Best Practices for Performance-Based Service Contracting" indicates that job analysis "involves determining what the agency's needs are, and what kinds of services and outputs are to be provided by the contractor." Job analysis may involve--

  • Organization analysis: involves reviewing the agency's needs and identifying the services and outputs required from the contractor.
  • Work analysis: involves further analyzing the required outputs by breaking down the work into its lowest task level and linking tasks in a logical flow of activities.
  • Performance analysis and standards: assigns a performance requirement to each task, which involves determining how a service can be measured and what performance standards and quality levels apply.
  • Directives analysis: involves screening directives to determine which should be utilized, either in whole or in part.
  • Data gathering: estimates the workload to be performed and identifies the items and services that the government will furnish to the contractor for the performance of the contract.
  • Cost analysis: estimates costs for each service or output based on available data, for use in preparing the government estimate, evaluating proposals, and determining positive and negative performance incentives.

