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State Governments and Agencies

[ Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Maine | Michigan | Minnesota | Missouri | Ohio | Wisconsin ]


bullet.gif State of Illinois

bullet.gif Illinois Department of Agriculture

bullet.gif Illinois Department of Natural Resources

bullet.gif Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety

bullet.gif Illinois Department of Transportation

bullet.gif Illinois Emergency Management Agency

bullet.gif Illinois Environmental Protection Agency

bullet.gif Illinois Geographic Information System

bullet.gif Illinois Natural History Survey

bullet.gif Illinois Pollution Control Board

bullet.gif Illinois State Geological Survey

bullet.gif Land Cover Database for Illinois


bullet.gif State of Indiana

bullet.gif Indiana Department of Environmental Management - Offices include, Air Management, Environmental Response, Pollution Prevention and Technical Assistance, Solid and Hazardous Waste Management, and Water Management.

bullet.gif Indiana Department of Natural Resources

bullet.gif Indiana Department Transportation

bullet.gif Indiana Historical Bureau

bullet.gif Indiana Commission of Public Records

bullet.gif Indiana State Library

bullet.gif State Emergency Management Agency


bullet.gif State of Iowa

bullet.gif Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship

bullet.gif Iowa Department of Natural Resources

bullet.gif Iowa Department of Transportation


bullet.gif State of Maine

bullet.gif Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources

bullet.gif Department of Conservation

bullet.gif Bureau of Geology and Natural Areas - Natural Resources Information and Mapping Center

bullet.gif Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife

bullet.gif Maine Office of GIS

bullet.gif Maine State Agencies


bullet.gif State of Michigan

bullet.gif Library of Michigan

bullet.gif Michigan Department of Agriculture

bullet.gif Michigan Department of Environmental Quality

bullet.gif Michigan Department of Natural Resources

bullet.gif Michigan Department of Transportation

bullet.gif Michigan Historical Center


bullet.gif State of Minnesota (North Star)

bullet.gif Minnesota Department Agriculture

bullet.gif Minnesota Department of Natural Resources

bullet.gif Minnesota Department of Transportation

bullet.gif Minnesota Forest Resources Council

bullet.gif Minnesota Historical Society

bullet.gif Minnesota Land Management Information Center

bullet.gif Minnesota Planning


bullet.gif State of Missouri

bullet.gif Missouri Department of Conservation - Manages the states fish, forest, and wildlife resources.

bullet.gif Missouri Department of Natural Resources - Includes the divisions of Energy, Environmental Quality, and State Parks.

bullet.gif Missouri Department of Transportation


bullet.gif State of Ohio

bullet.gif Ohio Department of Agriculture

bullet.gif Ohio Department of Natural Resources

bullet.gif Ohio Department of Transportation

bullet.gif Ohio Environmental Protection Agency

bullet.gif Ohio Historical Society

bullet.gif State Library of Ohio


bullet.gif State of Wisconsin

bullet.gif Wisconsin Interagency Land Use Council

bullet.gif Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

bullet.gif Wisconsin Department of Transportation

bullet.gif State Historical Society of Wisconsin - Archives Division

bullet.gif Wisconsin Public Land Survey Records- Field Notes

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Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center

2630 Fanta Reed Road
La Crosse, WI 54602-0818
Phone: (608) 783-6451

The Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center is a USGS-Science Center.
Any use of trade, product, or firm names are for descriptive purposes only and do not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

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Page Contact Information: Contacting the Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
Page Last Modified: October 2, 2007