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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to ETA

Title 20  

Employees' Benefits


Chapter V  

Employment and Training Administration, Department of Labor



Part 655  

Temporary Employment of Aliens In the United States




Subpart L  

What Requirements Must a Facility Meet to Employ H-1C Nonimmigrant Workers as Registered Nurses?

20CFR655.1132 - When will the Department suspend or invalidate an already-approved Attestation?

  • Section Number: 655.1132
  • Section Name: When will the Department suspend or invalidate an already-approved Attestation?

    (a) Suspension or invalidation of an Attestation may result where: 
the facility's check for the filing fee is not honored by a financial 
institution; a Board of Alien Labor Certification Appeals (BALCA) 
decision reverses an ETA certification of the Attestation; ETA finds 
that it made an error in its review and certification of the 
Attestation; an enforcement proceeding has finally determined that the 
facility failed to meet a condition attested to, or that there was a 
misrepresentation of material fact in an Attestation; the facility has 
failed to pay civil money penalties and/or failed to satisfy a remedy 
assessed by the Wage and Hour Administrator, where that penalty or 
remedy assessment has become the final agency action. If an Attestation 
is suspended or invalidated, ETA will notify INS.
    (b) BALCA decision or final agency action in an enforcement 
proceeding. If an Attestation is suspended or invalidated as a result 
of a BALCA decision overruling an ETA acceptance of the Attestation for 
filing, or is suspended or invalidated as a result of an enforcement 
action by the Administrator under subpart M of this part, such 
suspension or invalidation may not be separately appealed, but shall be 
merged with appeals on the underlying matter.
    (c) ETA action. If, after accepting an Attestation for filing, ETA 
discovers that it erroneously accepted that Attestation for filing and, 
as a result, ETA suspends or invalidates that acceptance, the facility 
may appeal such suspension or invalidation under Sec. 655.1135 as if 
that suspension or invalidation were a decision to reject the 
Attestation for filing.
    (d) A facility must comply with the terms of its Attestation, even 
if such Attestation is suspended, invalidated or expired, as long as 
any H-1C nurse is at the facility, unless the Attestation is superseded 
by a subsequent Attestation accepted for filing by ETA.
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