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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to ETA

Title 20  

Employees' Benefits


Chapter V  

Employment and Training Administration, Department of Labor



Part 655  

Temporary Employment of Aliens In the United States




Subpart L  

What Requirements Must a Facility Meet to Employ H-1C Nonimmigrant Workers as Registered Nurses?

20CFR655.1116 - Element VI--What notification must facilities provide to registered nurses?

  • Section Number: 655.1116
  • Section Name: Element VI--What notification must facilities provide to registered nurses?

    (a) The sixth attestation element requires the facility to attest 
that at the time of filing of the petition for registered nurses under 
section 101(a)(15)(H)(i)(c) of the INA, notice of filing has been 
provided by the facility to the bargaining representative of the 
registered nurses at the facility or, where there is no such bargaining 
representative, notice of the filing has been provided to registered 
nurses at the facility through posting in conspicuous locations, and 
individual copies of the Attestation have been provided to registered 
nurses employed at the facility.
    (b) Notification of bargaining representative. At a time no later 
than the date the Attestation is transmitted to ETA, the facility must 
notify the bargaining representative (if any) for nurses at the 
facility that the Attestation is being submitted. No later than the 
date the facility transmits a petition for H-1C nurses to INS, the 
facility must notify the bargaining representative (if any) for nurses 
at the facility that the H-1C petition is being submitted. This notice 
may be either a copy of the Attestation or petition, or a document 
stating that the Attestation and H-1C petition are available for review 
by interested parties at the facility (explaining how they can be 
inspected or obtained) and at the Division of Foreign Labor 
Certifications, Office of Workforce Security, Employment and Training 
Administration, Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue NW., Room 
C-4318, Washington, DC 20210. The notice must include the following 
statement: ``Complaints alleging misrepresentation of material facts in 
the Attestation or failure to comply with the terms of the Attestation 
may be filed with any office of the Wage and Hour Division of the 
United States Department of Labor.''
    (c) Posting notice. If there is no bargaining representative for 
nurses at the facility, the facility must post a written notice in two 
or more conspicuous locations at the facility. Such notices shall be 
clearly visible and unobstructed while posted, and shall be posted in 
conspicuous places where nurses can easily read the notices on their 
way to or from their duties. Appropriate locations for posting hard 
copy notices include locations in the immediate proximity of mandatory 
Fair Labor Standards Act wage and hour notices and Occupational Safety 
and Health Act occupational safety and health notices. In the 
alternative, the facility may use electronic means it ordinarily uses 
to communicate with its nurses about job vacancies or promotion 
opportunities, including through its ``home page'' or ``electronic 
bulletin board,'' provided that the nurses have, as a practical matter, 
direct access to those sites; or, where the nurses have individual e-
mail accounts, the facility may use e-mail. This must be accomplished 
no later than the date when the facility transmits an Attestation to 
ETA and the date when the facility transmits an H-1C petition to the 
INS. The notice may be either a copy of the Attestation or petition, or 
a document stating that the Attestation or petition has been filed and 
is available for review by interested parties at the facility 
(explaining how these documents can be inspected or obtained) and at 
the national office of ETA. The notice shall include the following 
statement: ``Complaints alleging misrepresentation of material facts in 
the Attestation or failure to comply with the terms of the Attestation 
may be filed with any office of the Wage and Hour Division of the 
United States Department of Labor.'' Unless it is sent to an individual 
e-mail address, the Attestation notice shall remain posted during the 
validity period of the Attestation; the petition notice shall remain 
posted for ten days. Copies of all notices shall be available for 
examination in the facility's public access file.
    (d) Individual notice to RNs. In addition to notifying the 
bargaining representative or posting notice as described in paragraphs 
(b) and (c) of this section, the facility must provide a copy of the 
Attestation, within 30 days of the date of filing, to every registered 
nurse employed at the facility. This requirement may be satisfied by 
electronic means if an individual e-mail message, with the Attestation 
as an attachment, is sent to every RN at the facility. This 
notification includes not only the RNs employed by the facility, but 
also includes any RN who is providing service at the facility as an 
employee of another entity, such as a nursing contractor.
    (e) Where RNs lack practical computer access, a hard copy must be 
posted in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section and a hard copy 
of the Attestation delivered, within 30 days of the date of filing, to 
every RN employed at the facility in accordance with paragraph (d) of 
this section.
    (f) The facility must maintain, in its public access file, copies 
of the notices required by this section. The facility must make such 
documentation available to the Administrator in the event of an 
enforcement action pursuant to subpart M of this part.
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