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Content Last Revised: 3/10/78

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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to ETA

Title 20  

Employees' Benefits


Chapter V  

Employment and Training Administration, Department of Labor



Part 655  

Temporary Employment of Aliens In the United States




Subpart C  

Labor Certification Process for Logging Employment and Non-H- 2A Agricultural Employment

20 CFR 655.203 - Assurances.

  • Section Number: 655.203
  • Section Name: Assurances.

    As part of the temporary labor certification application, the 

employer shall include assurances, signed by the employer, that:

    (a) The job opportunity is not:

    (1) Vacant because the former occupant is on strike or being locked 

out in the course of a labor dispute; or

    (2) At issue in a labor dispute involving a work stoppage;

    (b) During the period for which the temporary labor certification is 

granted, the employer will comply with applicable Federal, State and 

local employment-related laws, including employment related health and 

safety laws;

    (c) The job opportunity is open to all qualified U.S. workers 

without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, or religion, and is 

open to U.S. workers with handicaps who are qualified to perform the 

work. No U.S. worker will be rejected for employment for other than a 

lawful job related reason;

    (d) The employer will cooperate with the employment service system 

in the active recruitment of U.S. workers until the foreign workers have 

departed for the employer's place of employment by;

    (1) Allowing the employment service system to prepare local, 

intrastate and interstate job orders using the information supplied on 

the employer's job offer;

    (2) Placing at least two advertisements for the job opportunities in 

local newspapers of general circulation.

    (i) Each such advertisement shall describe the nature and 

anticipated duration of the job opportunity; offer at least the adverse 

effect wage rate; give the \3/4\ guarantee; state that work tools, 

supplies and equipment will be provided by the employer; state that 

housing will also be provided, and that transportation and subsistence 

expenses to the worksite will be provided or paid for by the employer;

    (ii) Each advertisement shall direct interested workers to apply for 

the job opportunity at a local employment service office in their area;

    (3) Cooperating with the employment service system in contacting 

farm labor contractors, migrant workers and other potential workers in 

other areas

of the State and/or Nation by letter and/or telephone;

    (4) Cooperating with the employment service system in contacting 

schools, business and labor organizations, fraternal and veterans 

organizations, and non-profit organizations and public agencies such as 

sponsors of programs under the Comprehensive Employment and Training 

Act, throughout the area of intended employment, in order to enlist them 

in helping to find U.S. workers; and

    (5) If the employer, or an association of employers of which the 

employer is a member, intends to negotiate and/or contract with the 

Government of a foreign nation or any foreign association, corporation 

or organization in order to secure foreign workers, making the same kind 

and degree of efforts to secure U.S. workers;

    (e) From the time the foreign workers depart for the employer's 

place of employment, the employer will provide employment to any 

qualified U.S. worker who applies to the employer until fifty percent of 

the period of the work contract, under which the foreign worker who is 

in the job was hired, has elapsed. In addition, the employer will offer 

to provide housing, and the other benefits, wages, and working 

conditions required by Sec. 655.202, to any such U.S. worker; and

    (f) Performing the other specific recruitment activities specified 

in the notice from the RA required by Sec. 655.205(a).
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