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Energy Resources


    The growth and development in the Front Range of Colorado over the past 100 years has been possible, in large part, by use of local energy resources such as oil, natural gas, and coal.  Nevertheless, for the Front Range, questions remain as to 1) how much oil and natural gas can be extracted in the future, 2) where these oil and natural gas resources are likely to be developed, and 3) how land-use decisions affect availability of energy resources.  Environmental issues in the Front Range that are due to previous exploration and extraction of energy resources include 1) the location and depth to mining of old coal mines, 2) whether waters produced naturally along with oil and natural gas have influenced soil salinities, and 3) the impact of the oil and natural gas production infrastructure on land use.  These areas are the focus of research efforts on energy resources on the Front Range Infrastructure Resources Project.

Energy Research and Support Activities

All About Energy Energy geohistory Test your energy knowledge For kids
Research Activities Petroleum resources Land use studies Coal: Post-development issues
Future development Saline soils  Fact Sheet
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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
Contact: Neil Fishman   mailto:nfishman@usgs.gov
Updated: 07/26/2000
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