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Tribal Transportation

Organized Village of Saxman

photo of Saxman IRA tribal office

Background / Program Administration & Staff

Saxman is located on the southwestern coast of Revillagigedo Island 2 miles south of Ketchikan on South Tongass Highway. As with Ketchikan, Saxman is accessible from off island by either airplane or ferry.

Most Saxman residents are employed in Ketchikan. The City of Saxman and Saxman Seaport are additional employment sources and the Cape Fox Corporation offers employment opportunities in tourism and timber. Fishing is an additional element of the economic base.

The Saxman population is 394. Ninety-eight percent of this population are tribal members. The area covers 1 square mile of land.

The Village of Saxman has five full-time staff for the administration of the tribal government. There are no fulltime transportation planners or engineers.

Transportation System

Surface Transportation

The South Tongass Highway connects Saxman and Ketchikan. Dock and commercial barge off-loading occur at the Saxman Seaport. A bike/pedestrian path along the water, along the South Tongass Highway, is very popular. All the roads in Saxman, with the exception of one gravel road, were paved in 1999.

Air Transportation

Saxman is served by the Ketchikan International Airport.

Mass Transportation

A municipal fixed route service links Saxman to Ketchikan. I believe this is a seasonal service, particularly to Saxman based on ridership. The busdriver was passing on the funding woes of this bus service as I rode to the airport. May want to confirm this. Looks like it is mentioned in the Ketchikan report. Note from David - Local government has decided to retain year-round service.


Saxman has 6.1 miles of road on the BIA inventory that generate funds for maintenance. These funds are transferred to the City of Ketchikan for maintenance of Saxman streets. The tribe has also purchased a backhoe with BIA maintenance funds.

Planning & Proposed Projects

There is an alternatives analysis project focused on the proposed bridge to the airport island.

Receiving and Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG) to replace a community center that collapsed in 1998, due to snow weight on the structure, is the Tribe's top priority.

The Village of Saxman is interested in developing an agreement with the Cape Fox Corporation to access logging roads.

Coordination with Federal/State/Local governments

Saxman has not been involved in the STIP process. They are currently preparing for an audit which is one step required so that they can contract directly with the BIA.


Saxman has 6.1 miles on the BIA inventory.


To provide Feedback, Suggestions or Comments for this page contact Kenneth Petty at kenneth.petty@dot.gov.

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