Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Breeding Birds of the Platte River Valley

Table 4

Table 4. Effects of wooded vegetation encroachment on abundance and distribution of various species ofbirds breeding in the Platte River Valley.

Symbols denote increase (+), decrease (-) or no change (0).

                           Impact of encroachment on
Species                  Abundance        Distribution
Northern bobwhite           +                 +
Piping plover               -                 -
Killdeer                    0                 0
Upland sandpiper            -                 0
Spotted sandpiper           -                 0
Wilson's phalarope          -                 -
Least tern                  -                 -
Yellow-billed cuckoo        +                 +
Great horned owl            +                 0
Northern flicker            +                 0
Red-bellied woodpecker      +                 +
Red-headed woodpecker       +                 0
Hairy woodpecker            +                 +
Downy woodpecker            +                 +
Eastern kingbird            +                 +
Western kingbird            +                 +
Great crested flycatcher    +                 +
Willow flycatcher           +                 +
Eastern wood-pewee          +                 +
Western wood-pewee          +                 +
Blue jay                    +                 +
Black-capped chickadee      +                 +
House wren                  +                 0
Gray catbird                +                 +
Brown thrasher              +                 0
American robin              +                 0
Eurasian starling           +                 + 
Bell's vireo                +                 + 
Red-eyed vireo              +                 + 
Warbling vireo              +                 +
Yellow warbler              +                 +
Common yellowthroat         +                 0
Bobolink                    -                 - 
Eastern meadowlark          -                 - 
Western meadowlark          -                 0 
Orchard oriole              +                 + 
Northern oriole             +                 + 
Northern cardinal           +                 + 
Rose-breasted grosbeak      +                 + 
Black-headed grosbeak       +                 + 
Indigo bunting              +                 + 
American goldfinch          +                 0 
Dickcissel                  -                 - 
Rufous-sided towhee         +                 0 
Grasshopper sparrow         -                 0 
Field sparrow               +                 + 
Song sparrow                0                 0 
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