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Content Last Revised: 5/23/75

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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

Title 29  



Chapter V  

Wage and Hour Division, Department of Labor



Part 519  

Employment of Full-Time Students At Subminimum Wages




Subpart B  

Institutions of Higher Education

29 CFR 519.11 - Applicability of the regulations in this subpart.

  • Section Number: 519.11
  • Section Name: Applicability of the regulations in this subpart.

    (a) Statutory provisions. Under section 14 of the Fair Labor 
Standards Act of 1938, as amended, and the authority and responsibility 
delegated to him/her by the Secetary of Labor (36 FR 8755) and by the 
Assistant Secretary for Employment Standards (39 FR 3384l), the 
Administrator of the Wage and Hour Division is authorized and directed, 
to the extent necessary in order to prevent curtailment of opportunities 
for employment, to provide by regulation or order for the employment, 
under certificates, of full-time students in institutions of higher 
education. That section contains provisions requiring a wage rate in 
such certificates of not less than 85 percent of the minimum wage 
applicable under section 6 of the Act, limiting weekly hours of 
employment, stipulating compliance with the applicable child-labor 
standards, and safeguarding against the reduction of the full-time 
employment opportunities of employees other than full-time students 
employed under certificates.
    (b) Source of limitations. Some of the limitations expressed in this 
subpart are specifically required in section 14(b) of the Act. The other 
limitations implement the provisions relating to employment 
opportunities, i.e., the ``extent necessary in order to prevent 
curtailment of opportunities for employment'' and the requirement that 
the regulations shall ``prescribe standards and requirements to insure 
that this paragraph will not create a substantial probability of 
reducing the full-time employment opportunities of persons other than 
those to whom the minimum wage rate authorized by'' section 14(b) of the 
Act is applicable.
[40 FR 6329, Feb. 11, 1975; 40 FR 22546, May 23, 1975]

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