THIS IS A RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY (hereinafter referred to as “Release”) made this ______ day of _____________, 20___, by and between Raynor Country Day School (“School”) and _____________________ and ______________________ residing at _______________________________________, who are the parent(s) or guardians(s) of ________________(the “Child”).

WHEREAS, the parent(s) or Guardian(s) has engaged the School to provide a program for the child.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the agreements and covenants contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:

  1. The Parent(s) and/or Guardian(s) hereby fully and forever release and discharge the School from any and all liability, claims, demands, injuries, actions or causes of action, including attorneys’ fees and costs, as a result of any action or failure to take action by the School. The parent(s) and/or guardian(s) expressly agree that the Child’s use of the School or attendance at Raynor Country Day School and any activities associated with Raynor Country Day School are undertaken at the sole risk of the Child and/or Parent(s) and/or Guardians and that Raynor Country Day School, its agents and employees shall not be liable for any damages or injuries to the Child or the property of the Child or be subject to any claim, demand, injury, action or causes of action, including but not limited to any injury or damage resulting from the negligence of the School at Raynor Country Day School, guests and/or other children and/or third parties.
  2. This Release shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York, Country of Suffolk, without regard to conflict of law principles.
  3. This Release supersedes and replaces all prior negotiations and all agreements proposed or otherwise, whether written or oral, concerning all subject matters covered herein. This Release constitutes the entire agreement among the parties with respect to the subject matters discussed herein.
  4. The reference in this Release to the term “the School” shall include Raynor Country Day School, Camp at Raynor Country Day School and all of its affiliates, subsidiaries, successor corporations, parent corporations and any and all of their directors, officers, employees, agents and representatives. The terms Parent(s)/Guardian(s) shall include the Child and the dependents, heirs, executors, administrators, assigns and successors of the parent, guardian and/or child.
  5. The Guardians and/or Parents and/or Child recognize that the failure of any guardians, parents, and or child to comply with School policies, guidelines, directions, regulations and or other applicable law may result in nonadmision or removal of the child from Raynor Country Day School. I give permission to Staff at Raynor Country Day School personnel to seek emergency assistance when deemed necessary.
  6. If one or more of the provisions of this Release shall for any reason be held invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect or impair any other provision of this Release This Release shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provisions had not been contained herein.

Raynor Country Day School






All Custodial Parent(s) and Guardian(s) Of














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