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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Table 112b
Tuberculosis patients who completed a curative course of treatment within 12 months of initiation of treatment,a by ethnicity, United States, 2002
        Non-Hispanic Hispanic, all races
    Total All races White Black
Population group Numberb Percent Numberb Percent Numberb Percent Numberb Percent Numberb Percent
Total 10,469 80.9 7,672 81.4 2,060 83.1 3,048 80.8 2,797 79.5
Age 0-17 959 89.7 560 90.5 101 92.7 325 90.3 399 88.7
18-44 4,779 79.7 3,257 80.4 585 82.4 1,411 78.2 1,522 78.3
45-64 2,904 81.0 2,318 81.5 679 83.8 940 80.7 586 79.2
65 and over 1,827 79.6 1,537 80.5 695 81.8 372 83.8 290 75.3
Gender Female 4,188 82.3 3,143 82.1 757 83.3 1,233 82.2 1,045 82.9
Male 6,281 80.0 4,529 81.0 1,303 83.0 1,815 79.9 1,752 77.6

a Only cases with known age, sex, race and ethnicity are shown in this table.

b Numbers shown are only for cases completing therapy within 12 months.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National TB Surveillance System.

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