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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Table 112a
Tuberculosis patients who completed a curative course of treatment within 12 months of initiation of treatment,a by race, United States, 2002
    Total White Black API AI/AN
Population group Numberb Percent Numberb Percent Numberb Percent Numberb Percent Numberb Percent
Total 10,469 80.9 4,777 81.0 3,108 80.8 2,469 81.3 115 71.9
Age 0-17 959 89.7 487 90.0 333 89.8 128 90.1 * *
18-44 4,779 79.7 2,064 79.4 1,442 78.4 1,226 82.2 * *
45-64 2,904 81.0 1,247 81.6 957 80.8 666 80.7 * *
65 and over 1,827 79.6 979 79.7 376 83.7 449 77.5 * *
Gender Female 4,188 82.3 1,771 83.1 1,257 82.3 1,111 81.4 * *
Male 6,281 80.0 3,006 79.8 1,851 79.9 1,358 81.2 66 70.2
Ethnicity Hispanic 2,797 79.5 2,717 79.5 60 83.3 * * * *
Non-Hispanic 7,672 81.4 2,060 83.1 3,048 80.8 2,456 81.3 108 73.5

a Only cases with known age, sex, race and ethnicity are shown in this table.

b Numbers shown are only for cases completing therapy within 12 months.

* Data do not meet the criteria for statistical reliability, data quality or confidentiality (number of patients < 50).

Key: AI/AN: American Indian or Alaska Native; API: Asian or Pacific Islander.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National TB Surveillance System.

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