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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Table 57
New AIDS cases per 100,000 population age 13 and over, by ethnicity, United States, 2004a
        Non-Hispanic Hispanic, all races
    Totalb White Black API AI/AN
Population group Number Rate Number Rate Number Rate Number Rate Number Rate Number Rate
Total 41,312 17.1 11,978 7.1 20,793 72.1 484 4.4 192 9.9 7,684 25.0
Age 13-17 168 0.8 15 0.1 134 4.0 0 0.0 1 0.5 18 0.5
18-44 27,444 24.2 7,791 10.7 13,505 90.4 355 5.9 135 13.4 5,537 29.4
45-64 12,837 18.2 3,938 7.4 6,696 88.3 123 4.2 56 10.7 1,968 31.5
65 and over 864 2.4 234 0.8 458 15.3 6 0.6 0 0.0 162 7.5
Gender Male 30,203 25.6 10,118 12.3 13,398 99.4 392 7.5 128 13.5 6,041 37.9
Female 11,109 9.0 1,860 2.1 7,395 48.2 92 1.6 64 6.4 1,643 11.1

a Excludes persons from U.S. dependencies, possessions, and associated nations. Data have been adjusted for reporting delays.

b Includes 182 persons of unknown race or multiple races.

Key: AI/AN: American Indian or Alaska Native; API: Asian or Pacific Islander.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, HIV/AIDS Surveillance System.

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