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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Table 28b
Hemodialysis patients with urea reduction ratio 65% or higher, by ethnicity, United States, 2004
        Non-Hispanic Hispanic, all races
    Total All races White Black
Population group Percent SE Percent SE Percent SE Percent SE Percent SE
Total 87 0.4 87 0.4 88 0.5 85 0.7 91 0.9
Age 18-44 84 1.0 83 1.2 84 1.9 81 1.6 90 2.3
45-64 85 0.6 84 0.7 84 1.1 83 1.0 88 1.5
65 and over 91 0.5 91 0.5 91 0.6 90 1.0 94 1.2
Gender Female 93 0.4 92 0.5 93 0.6 90 0.8 95 1.0
Male 83 0.6 83 0.6 83 0.8 80 1.0 87 1.4

Key: SE: standard error.

Source: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, End-Stage Renal Disease Clinical Performance Measures Project.

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