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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Table 248a
Medicare beneficiaries age 65 and over who had an eye examination in the past year,a by race, 2002
    Total White Black AI/AN API Multiple races/other
Population group Percent SE Percent SE Percent SE Percent SE Percent SE Percent SE
Total 61.3 0.7 62.4 0.7 54.5 1.7 57.3 7.8 60.3 3.7 51.0 3.5
Age 65-74 57.1 0.9 57.4 0.9 54.0 2.4 * * 63.4 5.0 53.3 4.7
75-84 66.3 0.8 67.9 0.8 56.9 3.0 * * 57.4 5.8 41.9 4.9
85 and over 65.6 1.3 67.4 1.3 49.9 4.2 * * * * 64.0 9.2
Gender Male 57.7 0.9 58.8 1.0 49.2 2.7 * * 67.5 6.4 43.1 5.2
Female 64.1 0.8 65.1 0.9 58.0 2.4 * * 56.4 5.1 57.4 4.6
Incomeb Negative/poor 53.3 1.5 55.2 1.7 47.9 3.4 * * 55.0 7.9 47.7 6.4
Near poor/low 58.7 1.1 59.7 1.1 54.9 2.9 * * 53.9 6.1 47.4 4.7
Middle 63.8 1.0 64.1 1.0 60.3 3.9 * * 65.9 6.8 56.8 7.2
High 66.6 1.2 66.8 1.2 62.7 7.4 * * * * 59.5 8.5
Health insurance Medicare and private 65.0 0.8 65.1 0.8 64.8 2.6 * * 73.7 5.2 59.2 5.9
Medicare and Medicaid 51.7 1.7 55.0 1.9 48.6 3.6 * * 48.4 6.3 37.1 5.9
Medicare HMO 61.2 1.5 61.2 1.4 62.0 4.7 * * 60.5 9.5 55.5 8.0
Medicare fee-for-service only 43.5 2.2 45.0 2.4 34.4 4.5 * * * * 45.9 11.2
Residence location MSA 62.1 0.6 63.1 0.7 56.2 1.9 * * 59.9 3.9 52.6 4.2
Non-MSA 59.2 1.8 60.4 1.8 48.0 2.4 * * * * 45.6 6.1
Perceived health status Excellent/very good/good 61.9 0.7 62.8 0.7 54.1 2.0 46.8 9.8 62.9 4.0 53.2 4.2
Fair/poor 59.3 1.2 60.6 1.3 55.3 3.3 * * 49.3 8.6 44.4 5.7
Functional limitations No limitations 60.9 0.8 61.6 0.8 55.0 2.5 * * 66.1 4.5 48.4 4.9
IADL only 66.1 1.5 67.3 1.7 61.4 4.7 * * * * 48.6 7.7
At least 1 IADL and 1-2 ADLs 62.3 1.2 63.4 1.3 55.6 4.4 * * 53.4 9.4 60.4 7.8
At least 1 IADL and 3-6 ADLs 54.6 1.6 57.1 1.8 42.9 5.1 * * * * 52.2 10.4
At least 1 ADL/IADL 62.0 0.8 63.5 0.9 54.0 2.7 * * 50.3 6.1 54.0 4.6

a Full-year community residents age 65 or older.

b Negative/poor refers to incomes below the Federal poverty line; near poor/low, over the poverty line to just below 200 percent of the poverty line; middle, 200 percent to just below 400 percent of the poverty line; and high, 400 percent of the poverty line and over.

* Data do not meet the criteria for statistical reliability, data quality or confidentiality.

Key: API: Asian or Pacific Islander; AI/AN: American Indian or Alaska Native; MSA: metropolitan statistical area; IADLs: instrumental activities of daily living; ADLs: activities of daily living; SE: standard error.

Source: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey.

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