4. User Registration Process

Before explaining in Sections 4.3 and 4.4 how to provide authorized users with access to EPRI, two EPRI constructs must be explained: organizations (Section 4.1) and locations (Section 4.2). In brief:

Various organization/location/user configurations can be set up in EPRI:

Organizations, locations, and users can be added to EPRI in two different ways:

  1. There are separate Web pages for organizations, locations, and users. Each Web page has an 'add and delete' function.
  2. In the case of an organization that has a single location and a single user (a common situation in our pilot project), the system administrator can use a "registration wizard" to add the new organization, location, and user (Section 4.4).


The system administrator can add (by clicking "Add New") and delete (by clicking an 'X') organizations on the Organization Page, which is accessible by clicking 'Manage Organizations' on the system administrator's home page (Figure 6, 23 KB).6

The attributes of each organization are:

6 All organization, location, and user names in the screen shots are fictitious.

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After an organization has been defined, locations associated with the organization can be entered. Location information can be entered by using either:

System administrators can add new locations. In addition, the Data Manager associated with an organization (see the discussion of "Input Roles" in Section 4.3) can add a new location that is associated with his/her organization.

The system administrator can see a list of all locations that have been entered on the Location Page (Figure 7, 31 KB).

The attributes of each location are:

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Users and User Roles

After an organization has been defined, users associated with the organization can be entered. User information can be entered by using either:

The system administrator can display a list of all users that have been entered on the User Page (Figure 8, 27 KB).

The majority of the attributes of each user are self-explanatory, including name, E-mail address, telephone, fax, mailing address, city, State, and ZIP code. Attributes of particular note are:

Home Page

After a user logs into the system, the links on the Home Page reflect the user's access privileges.

The system administrator's home page contains links to all system features (Figure 9, 18 KB).

By contrast, the home page of an organization's data manager has links to only the User, Location, and Reports Pages (Figure 10, 18 KB).

Finally, a Data entry person's home page only has a link to the Location and Help page (Figure 11, 17 KB).

Location Page

The contents of the Location Page varies accounting to the user's Input Role.

The system administrator's Location Page shows all locations (across all the organizations) entered in EPRI. They can also add a new location for any organization, edit and delete information on any location, and add, edit, or delete inventory information for any locations (Figure 12, 31 KB).

The data manager's Location Page shows only locations associated with their organization (Figure 13, 29 KB).

The data enterer's Location Page also shows only locations associated with their organization, but, unlike the data manager and system administrator, data enterer cannot add new locations or delete, edit or send E-mail to existing locations (Figure 14, 23 KB).

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Registration Wizard

New users can be added to EPRI in two different ways. As explained earlier in Section 4, the system administrator can directly enter new organizations, locations, and users on their respective Web pages.

In addition, a "registration wizard" was developed to streamline registration of (what was for us) the most common configuration—an organization that has a single location and a single user. Thus, rather than separately displaying and entering data in the Organization Page, then the Location Page, and then the User Page, the wizard guides the user through this process. It should be emphasized that the wizard is intended to handle only the special case of a single organization, single location, and single user. If an organization has other locations and users, this information will have to be entered outside of the wizard.

The wizard has three steps:

  1. The first screen asks for location information (Figure 15, 20 KB).
  2. The second screen asks for organization information. The administrator can either select an existing organization or create a new one (Figure 16, 20 KB).
  3. Finally, user information is provided (Figure 17, 19 KB).

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