2. Installation


EPRI was developed using the Microsoft .NET platform. Therefore, you must install EPRI on a Web server that includes:

In addition, sites hosting EPRI need:

Persons who access EPRI must have Web browsers that meet the following specifications:

Downloading EPRI

EPRI is available for downloading at the AHRQ Web Site (www.ahrq.gov/research/epri/). While EPRI can be downloaded at no cost, it is copyrighted and cannot be re-sold.

The application and database are packaged into a single ZIP file. The ZIP file contains:

Installation Overview

Step-by-step instructions for installing EPRI on a Web server are contained in the appendix of this technical manual.

There are some important points to remember about the installation process:

Login Password Purpose
demoadmin demo The system administrator account that is used to customize the demo database.
demomanager demo Shows the features and capabilities available to an organization's data manager (go to Section 4.3).
demoentry demo Shows the features and capabilities available to an organization's data entry person (go to Section 4.3).

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