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Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS)

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The Office of Labor-Management Standards ensures union democracy, transparency, and financial integrity.

Substitute Page 29 of the Rural Transportation Employee Protection Guidebook

Listing of Recipients, Other Eligible Surface Transportation Providers, and Labor Organizations Representing Employees of Such Providers, if Any

(1) Project Description — Cite project by name and description. For example :
Application for Section 5311 funds for Operating Assistance for FY 95 (or capital assistance to purchase 4 vans) for "Elton Dial-A-Ride" to provide H&E service into Elton business district and return. Contract purchase of service for carrying H&E to nutrition center and return to domicile. Service area extends throughout Pearson County.

(2) Recipient Providers Identify recipients of tansportation assistance under this grant: For example:
Pearson County Transportation Coalition, Inc.

(3) Other Eligible Transportation Providers Identify other eligible transportation providers (and type of service). For example:
A) Western Trailways (intercity services);
B) Elton Transit, Inc (city public transit and weekend charter service).

(4) Labor Organizations Representing Employees of Providers, if Any Identify unions representing employees of providers in Sections 2 and 3, and indicate their respective transportation providers. For example:
A) No union (Pearson County Transportation Coalition, Inc.);
B) ATU Local Union #XXX (Western Trailways);
C) Elton Transit Drivers Association (Elton Transit, Inc.)


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