National Wild Horse and Burro News

Newsletters - Past Editions - Includes the most recent Summer 2008 National Newsletter

To sign up for notification of new on-line newsletters, please fill out the form at

News Releases
 - News releases about the Wild Horse and Burro Program

Success Stories - Stories about successful wild horse and burro adoptions

How Can I Help? - Ways the public can assist the Wild Horse & Burro Program

Mustang Makeovers 2008

Highlights of the Extreme Mustang Makeover 2007

Photos of Adopted Mustangs and Burros

Photos of Mustangs and Burros on the Range

          Stephanie Nutt and Cajun, Aurora, OR


BLM Baby Burro 



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Trick Rider - Photo by Abbie Photos
Trick Rider - Photo by Abbie Photos
"Lonesome" adopted by the Caisson Platoon for the Arlington Cemetery
"Lonesome" adopted by the Caisson Platoon for the Arlington Cemetery