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 Fisheries Data

Historical fisheries mark/recapture and telemetry data base


Last updated on April 11, 2006

A fisheries mark/recapture and telemetry database for all known data on the Upper Mississippi River through 1995 was developed at the Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center. An explanation of each variable follows. The original studies involved are listed in the table "Mark/recapture and telemetry studies on the Upper Mississippi River through 1995" (hyperlink above).
Additional information is included in a draft report.



Species The fish species from the original study.
Tagedin The pool where a fish was originally tagged.
Study An arbitrary number used to track each historical study. Information is included in the table below.
Yrm The year when a fish was marked.
Yrr The year when a fish was recaptured.
Dr The Julian day when a fish was recaptured.
Dm The Julian day when a fish was marked.
At_large The number of days between marking and recapture for a particular fish.
Dams_pas The number of dams between the pool where a fish was marked and where it was recaptured. A positive number signifies that the fish moved upriver and a negative number downriver. The data set contains a separate observation for each dam crossing. For example, if a fish crossed 4 dams moving in a downriver direction, there would be four observations for that fish with Dams_pas equalling minus four.
Mine_d The minimum head differential at the downriver end of the pool, during the at large period, for fish that were marked and recaptured in the same pool. This variable is not used for fish marked and recaptured in different pools.
Maxx_d The maximum head differential at the downriver end of the pool, during the at large period, for fish that were marked and recaptured in the same pool. This variable is not used for fish marked and recaptured in different pools.
Damcr A dam crossed by a particular fish.
Mine The minimum head differential at a dam, during the at large period, for fish that were marked and recaptured in different pools, or the minimum head differential at the upriver end of the pool, during the at large period, for fish that were marked and recaptured in the same pool.
Maxx The maximum head differential at a dam, during the at large period, for fish that were marked and recaptured in different pools, or the maximum head differential at the upriver end of the pool, during the at large period, for fish that were marked and recaptured in the same pool.

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