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Skip Navigation U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Agency for Healthcare Research Quality
Adapting Community Call Centers for Crisis Support

Appendix 4. Developing an Interactive Response Tool: The HELP Model (continued)

4.3 Point of Dispensing (POD) Application

The Point of Dispensing (POD) application will disseminate information in a public health emergency to enable inbound caller to receive locations for drug dispensing sites specific to their county, based on the zip code that the caller enters. The callers dialing into the POD application should be given clear directions from the menu messages to be able to repeat any message or the location of the drug distribution sites. Callers should also be given a choice to select another zip code after getting information for their first entered zip code. The POD application will be designed to accommodate two language selections (English and Spanish) that the caller will select at the beginning of the call. The POD application will also provide reporting on how many callers selected each of the message options. The POD application will be required to have the ability to provide an individual message for each zip code within a county to allow for the greatest potential for relaying customized information.

POD Main Call Flow (English)
POD 2nd Language Call Flow (Spanish)

Example of Zip Code Tables and Announcements

These tables show examples of zip code listings for Denver and environs with the number of the recorded announcements that would be given for each county. Examples of announcements for different zip codes follow the zip code listings.

Zip Code Table (Part 1)
Zip Code Table (Part 2)
POD Messages by County 1
Cross County Announcements

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