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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

Title 20  

Employees' Benefits


Chapter V  

Employment and Training Administration, Department of Labor



Part 625  

Disaster Unemployment Assistance

20 CFR 625.6 - Weekly amount; jurisdictions; reductions.

  • Section Number: 625.6
  • Section Name: Weekly amount; jurisdictions; reductions.

    (a) In all States, except as provided in paragraphs (c) and (d) of 

this section, the amount of DUA payable to an unemployed worker or 

unemployed self-employed individual for a week of total unemployment 

shall be the weekly amount of compensation the individual would have 

been paid as regular compensation, as computed under the provisions of 

the applicable State law for a week of total unemployment. In no event 

shall such amount be in excess of the maximum amount of regular 

compensation authorized under the applicable State law for that week.

    (1) Except as provided in paragraph (a)(2) or (b) of this section, 

in computing an individual's weekly amount of DUA, qualifying employment 

and wage requirements and benefit formula of the applicable State law 

shall be applied; and for purposes of this section, employment, wages, 

and self-employment which are not covered by the applicable State law 

shall be treated in the same manner and with the same effect as covered 

employment and wages, but shall not include employment or self-

employment, or wages earned or paid for employment or self-employment, 

which is contrary to or prohibited by any Federal law, such as, but not 

limited to, section 3304(a)(14)(A) of the Federal Unemployment Tax Act 

(26 U.S.C. 3304(a)(14)(A)).

    (2) For purposes of paragraph (a)(1) of this section, the base 

period to be utilized in computing the DUA weekly amount shall be the 

most recent tax year that has ended for the individual (whether an 

employee or self-employed) prior to the individual's unemployment that 

was a direct result of the major disaster. The self-employment income to 

be treated as wages for purposes of computing the weekly amount under 

this paragraph (a) shall be the net income reported on the tax return of 

the individual as income from all self-employment that was dependent 

upon the performance of services by the individual. If an individual has 

not filed a tax return for the most recent tax year that has ended at 

the time of such individual's initial application for DUA, such 

individual shall have a weekly amount determined in accordance with 

paragraph (e)(3) of this section.

    (3) As of the date of filing an initial application for DUA, family 

members over the age of majority, as defined under the statutes of the 

applicable State, who were customarily or routinely employed or self-

employed as a family unit or in the same self-employment business prior 

to the individuals' unemployment that was a direct result of the major 

disaster, shall have the wages from such employment or net income from 

the self-employment allocated equally among such adult family members 

for purposes of computing a weekly amount under this paragraph (a), 

unless the documentation to substantiate employment or self-employment 

and wages earned or paid for such employment or self-employment 

submitted as required by paragraph (e) of this section supports a 

different allocation. Family members under the age of majority as of the 

date of filing an initial application for DUA shall have a weekly amount 

computed under this paragraph (a) based on the actual wages earned or 

paid for employment or self-employment rather than an equal allocation.

    (b) If the weekly amount computed under paragraph (a) of this 

section is less than 50 percent of the average weekly payment of regular 

compensation in the State, as provided quarterly by the Department, or, 

if the individual has insufficient wages from employment or insufficient 

or no net income from self-employment (which includes individuals 

falling within paragraphs (a)(3) and (b)(3) of Sec. 625.5) in the 

applicable base period to compute a weekly amount under paragraph (a) of 

this section, the individual shall be determined entitled to a weekly 

amount equal to 50 percent of the average weekly payment of regular 

compensation in the State.

    (1) If an individual was customarily or routinely employed or self-

employed less than full-time prior to the individual's unemployment as a 

direct result of the major disaster, such individual's weekly amount 

under this paragraph (b)(1) shall be determined by calculating the 

percent of time the individual was employed or self-employed compared to 

the customary and usual hours per week that would constitute the average 

per week hours for year-round full-time employment or self-employment 

for the occupation, then applying the percentage to the determined 50 

percent of the average weekly amount of regular compensation paid in the 

State. The State agency shall utilize information furnished by the 

applicant at the time of filing an initial application for DUA and any 

labor market or occupational information available within the State 

agency to determine the average per week hours for full-time employment 

or self-employment for the occupation. If the weekly amount computed for 

an individual under this paragraph (b)(1) is less than the weekly amount 

computed under paragraph (a) of this section for the individual, the 

individual shall be entitled to the higher weekly amount.

    (2) The weekly amount so determined under paragraph (b)(1) of this 

section, if not an even dollar amount, shall be rounded in accordance 

with the applicable State law.

    (c) In the Territory of Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern 

Mariana Islands, the amount of DUA payable to an unemployed worker or 

unemployed self-employed individual for a week of total unemployment 

shall be the average of the payments of regular compensation made under 

all State laws referred to in Sec. 625.2(r)(1)(i) for weeks of total 

unemployment in the

first four of the last five completed calendar quarters immediately 

preceding the quarter in which the major disaster began. The weekly 

amount so determined, if not an even dollar amount, shall be rounded to 

the next higher dollar.

    (d) In American Samoa, Federated States of Micronesia, Republic of 

the Marshall Islands and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, the 

amount of DUA payable to an unemployed worker or unemployed self-

employed individual for a week of total unemployment shall be the amount 

agreed upon by the Regional Administrator, Employment and Training 

Administration, for Region IX (San Francisco), and the Federal 

Coordinating Officer, which shall approximate 50 percent of the area-

wide average of the weekly wages paid to individuals in the major 

disaster area in the quarter immediately preceding the quarter in which 

the major disaster began. The weekly amount so determined, if not an 

even dollar amount, shall be rounded to the next higher dollar.

    (e) The State agency shall immediately determine, upon the filing of 

an initial application for DUA, a weekly amount under the provisions of 

paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section, as the case may be, based on 

the individual's statement of employment or self-employment preceding 

the individual's unemployment that was a direct result of the major 

disaster, and wages earned or paid for such employment or self-

employment. An immediate determination of a weekly amount shall also be 

made where, in conjunction with the filing of an initial application for 

DUA, the individual submits documentation substantiating employment or 

self-employment and wages earned or paid for such employment or self-

employment, or, in the absence of documentation, where any State agency 

records of employment or self-employment and wages earned or paid for 

such employment or self-employment, justify the determination of a 

weekly amount. An immediate determination shall also be made based on 

the individual's statement or in conjunction with the submittal of 

documentation in those cases where the individual was to commence 

employment or self-employment on or after the date the major disaster 

began but was prevented from doing so as a direct result of the 


    (1) In the case of a weekly amount determined in accordance with 

paragraph (e) of this section, based only on the individual's statement 

of earnings, the individual shall furnish documentation to substantiate 

the employment or self-employment or wages earned from or paid for such 

employment or self-employment or documentation to support that the 

individual was to commence employment or self-employment on or after the 

date the major disaster began. In either case, documentation shall be 

submitted within 21 calendar days of the filing of the initial 

application for DUA.

    (2) Any individual who fails to submit documentation to substantiate 

employment or self-employment or the planned commencement of employment 

or self-employment in accordance with paragraph (e)(1) of this section, 

shall be determined ineligible for the payment of DUA for any week of 

unemployment due to the disaster. Any weeks for which DUA was already 

paid on the application prior to the date of the determination of 

ineligibility under this paragraph (e)(2) are overpaid and a 

determination shall be issued in accordance with Sec. 625.14(a). In 

addition, the State agency shall consider whether the individual is 

subject to a disqualification for fraud in accordance with the 

provisions set forth in Sec. 625.14(i).

    (3) For purposes of a computation of a weekly amount under paragraph 

(a) of this section, if an individual submits documentation to 

substantiate employment or self-employment in accordance with paragraph 

(e)(1), but not documentation of wages earned or paid during the base 

period set forth in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, including those 

cases where the individual has not filed a tax return for the most 

recent tax year that has ended, the State agency shall immediately 

redetermine the weekly amount of DUA payable to the individual in 

accordance with paragraph (b) of this section.

    (4) Any individual determined eligible for a weekly amount of DUA 

under the provisions of paragraph (e)(3) of

this section may submit necessary documentation to substantiate wages 

earned or paid during the base period set forth in paragraph (a)(2) of 

this section, including those cases where the individual has not filed a 

tax return for the most recent tax year that has ended, at any time 

prior to the end of the disaster assistance period. A redetermination of 

the weekly amount payable, as previously determined under paragraph (b) 

of this section, shall immediately be made if the wages earned or paid 

for services performed in employment or self-employment reflected in 

such documentation is sufficient to permit a computation under paragraph 

(a) of this section of a weekly amount higher than was determined under 

paragraph (b) of this section. Any higher amount so determined shall be 

applicable to all weeks during the disaster assistance period for which 

the individual was eligible for the payment of DUA.

    (f)(1) The weekly amount of DUA payable to an unemployed worker or 

unemployed self-employed individual for a week of partial or part-total 

unemployment shall be the weekly amount determined under paragraph (a), 

(b), (c) or (d) of this section, as the case may be, reduced (but not 

below zero) by the amount of wages that the individual earned in that 

week as determined by applying to such wages the earnings allowance for 

partial or part-total employment prescribed by the applicable State law.

    (2) The weekly amount of DUA payable to an unemployed self-employed 

individual for a week of unemployment shall be the weekly amount 

determined under paragraph (a), (b), (c) or (d) of this section, as the 

case may be, reduced (but not below zero) by the full amount of any 

income received during the week for the performance of services in self-

employment, regardless of whether or not any services were performed 

during the week, by applying the earnings allowance as set forth in 

paragraph (f)(1) of this section. Notwithstanding the definition of 

``wages'' for a self-employed individual under Sec. 625.2(u), the term 

``any income'' for purposes of this paragraph (f)(2) means gross income.

[60 FR 25568, May 11, 1995]
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