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Suspended-Sediment Loads from Major Tributaries to the Missouri River Between Garrison Dam and Lake Oahe, North Dakota, 1954-98

By  K. M. Macek-Rowland


Water-Resources Investigations Report 00-4072


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Annual suspended-sediment loads for water years 1954 through 1998 were estimated for the major tributaries in the Missouri River Basin between Garrison Dam and Lake Oahe in North Dakota and for the Missouri River at Garrison Dam and the Missouri River at Bismarck, N. Dak.  The major tributaries are the Knife River, Turtle Creek, Painted Woods Creek, Square Butte Creek, Burnt Creek, Heart River, and Apple Creek.  Sediment and streamflow data used to estimate the suspended-sediment loads were from selected U.S. Geological Survey streamflow-gaging stations located within each basin.  Some of the stations had no sediment data available and limited continuous streamflow data for water years 1954 through 1998.  Therefore, data from nearby streamflow-gaging stations were assumed for the calculations.


The Heart River contributed the largest amount of suspended sediment to the Missouri River for 1954-98.  Annual suspended-sediment loads in the Heart River near Mandan ranged from less than 1 to 40 percent of the annual suspended-sediment load in the Missouri River. The Knife River contributed the second largest amount of suspended sediment to the Missouri River.  Annual suspended-sediment loads in the Knife River at Hazen ranged from less than 1 to 19 percent of the annual suspended-sediment load in the Missouri River.  Apple Creek, Turtle Creek, Painted Woods Creek, Square Butte Creek, and Burnt Creek all contributed 2 percent or less of the annual suspended-sediment load in the Missouri River.  The Knife River and the Heart River also had the largest average suspended-sediment yields for the seven tributaries.  The yield for the Knife River was 91.1 tons per square mile, and the yield for the Heart River was 133 tons per square mile.  The remaining five tributaries had yields of less than 24 tons per square mile based on total drainage area.


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Table of Contents



Description of study area

Previous U.S. Geological Survey studies

Method used to estimate suspended-sediment loads

Suspended-sediment loads






1. Map showing selected tributaries and basins along the Missouri River from Garrison Dam to Lake Oahe, North Dakota

2. Map showing location of selected streamflow-gaging stations along the Missouri River from Garrison Dam to Lake Oahe, North Dakota

3. Graphs showing suspended-sediment transport curves for Missouri River at Garrison Dam, Knife River at Hazen, Missouri River at Bismarck, Heart River near Mandan, and Apple Creek near Menoken, North Dakota, water years 1954 through 1998

4. Graphs showing suspended-sediment loads for Missouri River at Garrison Dam, Knife River at Hazen, Heart River near Mandan, and Missouri River at Bismarck, North Dakota, water years 1954 through 1998

5. Graphs showing suspended-sediment loads for Turtle Creek above Washburn, Painted Woods Creek near Wilton, Apple Creek near Menoken, and Missouri River at Bismarck, North Dakota, water years 1954 through 1998

6. Graphs showing suspended-sediment loads for Square Butte Creek below Center, Burnt Creek near Bismarck, and Missouri River at Bismarck, North Dakota, water years 1954 through 1998.




1. Information pertaining to selected streamflow-gaging stations in the study area

2. Total streamflow, suspended-sediment load, and percent of suspended-sediment load entering Lake Oahe for selected streamflow-gaging stations along the Missouri River from Garrison Dam to Lake Oahe, North Dakota, water years 1954 through 1998


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