Carbon isotopes in unsaturated-zone gases and ground water near a radioactive-waste disposal area, Amargosa Desert Research Site, Nye County, Nevada


David A. Stonestrom1, Robert L. Michel1, William C. Evans1, Tyson R. Smith1,2, David E. Prudic3, Robert G. Striegl, Jr. 4, Herbert Haas5, Fred J. Brockman6, and Brian J. Andraski3


To test hypotheses about radionuclide distribution and transport, vertical profiles of 14C in carbon dioxide were determined on gas samples from a 110-m deep unsaturated zone 32, 100, and 3,000 m from a low-level radioactive-waste disposal area. A direct-scintillation-counting method for radiocarbon was developed that minimized sample handling and compared favorably with the more labor-intensive benzene-synthesis method. Values of d13C in pore gas were determined by isotope ratio mass spectrometry. Gross gas compositions were determined by chromatography. Gross gas compositions 100 m from the disposal area were similar to those at the 3,000-m site, i.e., relatively unperturbed, except that O2 levels at the 100-m site were slightly depleted in the 34-48 m depth interval (~19.5% versus ~20.8% O2 by volume). Radiocarbon levels at the 100-m site peaked at ~2,000 percent modern carbon (PMC) near land surface and decreased monotonically to <100 PMC at depths below 58 m. Gross gas composition 32 m from the disposal area displayed a well-defined CO2 peak that reached 2.0-2.5% by volume at a depth of 24 m. 14C levels showed a roughly coincident peak that reached 6´105 PMC at the 24 m depth. Elevated levels of tritium and volatile organic-carbon compounds accompanied the CO2 and 14C peaks. Corresponding d13CO2 values were shifted -7 to -10 permil from unperturbed values. This shift to lighter values is suggestive of fractionation during microbial production of 14CO2 from disposed waste. Core samples from the affected depths were dry and virtually devoid of microbes, with <4´103 colony forming units per gram of sediment, suggesting that the hypothesized microbial activity occurs closer to the emplacement trenches. Ground water at the 32-m site had a 14C level in dissolved inorganic carbon of 845 PMC in March 2000. Ground water from an adjacent well had a 14C level of 26 PMC in 1989 and 323 PMC in 1999. The low levels of 14C in ground water relative to those in unsaturated-zone gases suggest that radiocarbon transport is primarily by lateral gas transport through the unsaturated zone in this environment.


1 U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA (,,

2 Currently at Lewis and Clark College, Portland, OR (

3 U.S. Geological Survey, Carson City, NV (,

4 U.S. Geological Survey, Lakewood, CO (

5 Retired Director, Radiocarbon Laboratory, Desert Research Institute, Las Vegas, NV (

6 Environmental Microbiology Group, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA (


This abstract was published in Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 82, no. 47, Fall. Meet. Suppl., p. F-516.