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  • Baum, R.L., Harp, E.L., Lahusen, R.G., Likos, W.J., and Powers, P.S., 1998, Real-time monitoring of bluff stability at Woodway, Washington, USA: in Evangelista, A., and Picarelli, L., eds., The Geotechnics of Hard Soils-Soft Rocks, Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Hard Soils—Soft Rocks, Naples Italy, October, 12-14, 1998. v. 2, p. 1057-1065.

  • Arndt, B.P., Higgins, J.E., and Baum, R.L., 1998, The Woodway, Washington, landslide-An unusual failure of the Lawton Clay Member in the steep bluffs along Puget Sound Washington, Association of Engineering Geologists program with Abstracts, 41st Annual Meeting, p.74.

  • Arndt, B.P., 1999, Determination of the conditions necessary for slope failure of a deep-seated landslide at Woodway, Washington: Golden, Colo., Colorado School of Mines, Master of Engineering Thesis, 216 p.

  • W.Z. Savage, R.L. Baum, M.M. Morrissey, and B.P. Arndt, 2000, Finite-element analysis of the Woodway landslide, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2180.

  • Baum, R.L., Harp, E.L., and Hultman, W.A., 2000, Map showing recent and historic landslide activity on coastal bluffs of Puget Sound between Shilshole Bay and Everett, Washington, U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map, MF 2346, 1 sheet, 1:24,000.