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NAS - Nonindigenous Aquatic Species

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GroupDefine: GroupFamilyScientific NameMore InfoCommon NameNative HabitatExotic /
Native Transplant
PlantsFabaceae Aeschynomene fluitansCollection Information Available collection info
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joint vetch, floating pea, Giant sensitive fernFreshwaterExotic
PlantsPoaceaeAgrostis giganteaCollection Information Available collection info
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Redtop, black bent, water bentgrassFreshwaterExotic
PlantsBetulaceaeAlnus glutinosaCollection Information Available collection info
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Black alderFreshwaterExotic
PlantsPoaceaeAlopecurus geniculatusCollection Information Available collection info
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water foxtail, marsh meadow-foxtail FreshwaterExotic
PlantsAmaranthaceaeAlternanthera philoxeroidesCollection Information Available collection info
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PlantsAzollaceaeAzolla carolinianaCollection Information Available collection info
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Carolina mosquito fernFreshwaterNative Transplant
PlantsAzollaceaeAzolla filiculoidesCollection Information Available collection info
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Pacific azollaFreshwaterNative Transplant
PlantsAzollaceaeAzolla pinnataCollection Information Available collection info
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feathered mosquitofernFreshwaterExotic
PlantsScrophulariaceaeBacopa egensisCollection Information Available collection info
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Brazilian water-hyssopFreshwaterExotic
PlantsHydrocharitaceaeBlyxa aubertiiCollection Information Available collection info
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roundfruit blyxaFreshwaterExotic
PlantsButomaceaeButomus umbellatusCollection Information Available collection info
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flowering rushFreshwaterExotic
PlantsCabombaceaeCabomba carolinianaCollection Information Available collection info
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Carolina fanwortFreshwaterNative Transplant
PlantsCallitrichaceaeCallitriche stagnalisCollection Information Available collection info
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pond water-starwortFreshwaterExotic
PlantsCyperaceaeCarex acutiformisCollection Information Available collection info
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Swamp sedgeFreshwaterExotic
PlantsCyperaceaeCarex distichaCollection Information Available collection info
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PlantsCyperaceaeCarex flaccaCollection Information Available collection info
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PlantsParkeriaceaeCeratopteris thalictroidesCollection Information Available collection info
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water spriteFreshwaterExotic
PlantsChenopodiaceaeChenopodium glaucumCollection Information Available collection info
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Oak-leaved goosefootFreshwaterExotic
PlantsAsteraceaeCirsium palustreCollection Information Available collection info
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Marsh ThistleFreshwaterExotic
PlantsAraceaeColocasia esculentaCollection Information Available collection info
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wild taroFreshwaterExotic
PlantsApiaceaeConium maculatumCollection Information Available collection info
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Poison hemlockFreshwaterExotic
PlantsAsteraceaeCotula coronopifoliaCollection Information Available collection info
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PlantsAraceaeCryptocoryne beckettiiCollection Information Available collection info
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PlantsAraceaeCryptocoryne undulataCollection Information Available collection info
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PlantsAraceaeCryptocoryne wendtiiCollection Information Available collection info
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PlantsCyperaceaeCyperus alopecuroidesCollection Information Available collection info
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foxtail flatsedgeFreshwaterExotic
PlantsCyperaceaeCyperus proliferCollection Information Available collection info
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dwarf papyrusFreshwaterExotic
PlantsScrophulariaceaeDopatrium junceumCollection Information Available collection info
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PlantsPoaceaeEchinochloa crusgalliCollection Information Available collection info
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Barnyard grassFreshwaterExotic
PlantsHydrocharitaceaeEgeria densaCollection Information Available collection info
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Brazilian waterweedFreshwaterExotic
PlantsPontederiaceaeEichhornia crassipesCollection Information Available collection info
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PlantsOnagraceaeEpilobium hirsutumCollection Information Available collection info
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Great hairy willow herbFreshwaterExotic
PlantsOnagraceaeEpilobium parviflorumCollection Information Available collection info
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Small flowered hairy willow herbFreshwaterExotic
PlantsRhamnaceaeFrangula alnusCollection Information Available collection info
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Glossy buckthornFreshwaterExotic
PlantsScrophulariaceaeGlossostigma diandrumCollection Information Available collection info
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PlantsPoaceaeGlyceria maximaCollection Information Available collection info
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reed manna grassFreshwaterExotic
PlantsHydrocharitaceaeHydrilla verticillataCollection Information Available collection info
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PlantsHydrocharitaceaeHydrocharis morsus-ranaeCollection Information Available collection info
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common frogbitFreshwaterExotic
PlantsButomaceaeHydrocleys nymphoidesCollection Information Available collection info
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PlantsAcanthaceaeHygrophila polyspermaCollection Information Available collection info
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Indian hygrophilaFreshwaterExotic
PlantsPoaceaeHymenachne amplexicaulisCollection Information Available collection info
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West Indian marsh grassFreshwaterExotic
PlantsBalsaminaceaeImpatiens glanduliferaCollection Information Available collection info
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Indian balsamFreshwaterExotic
PlantsConvolvulaceaeIpomoea aquaticaCollection Information Available collection info
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water-spinach, swamp morning-gloryFreshwaterExotic
PlantsIridaceaeIris pseudacorusCollection Information Available collection info
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yellow irisFreshwaterExotic
PlantsJuncaceaeJuncus compressusCollection Information Available collection info
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Flattened rushFreshwaterExotic
PlantsJuncaceaeJuncus gerardiiCollection Information Available collection info
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Black-grass rushFreshwaterNative Transplant
Plants JuncaceaeJuncus inflexusCollection Information Available collection info
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Rush, European meadow rushFreshwaterExotic
PlantsLemnaceaeLandoltia (Spirodela) punctataCollection Information Available collection info
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dotted duckweedFreshwaterExotic
PlantsHydrocharitaceaeLimnobium laevigatumCollection Information Available collection info
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West Indian spongeplantFreshwaterExotic
PlantsScrophulariaceaeLimnophila indicaCollection Information Available collection info
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Indian marshweedFreshwaterExotic
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