Wyoming News Release
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September 26, 2008

    Lesley A. Collins

Casper BLM Celebrates National Public Lands Day with “No Fee” Day;
Encourages Public to Visit Local BLM Sites on Saturday, September 27

National Public Lands Day is the largest hands-on volunteer effort to preserve America’s 600 million acres of public land. These events take place in parks, forests, rivers, lakes, wetlands, cultural and historic sites, and neighborhoods across the country. Each year entrance fees are waived on Public Lands in order to honor volunteer efforts and to encourage participation in local activities.

The Platte River Revival held last weekend was one of our most successful NPLD events ever. With 30 sponsors and over 450 volunteers the entire day was a frenzy of activity.  This year’s project became a celebration of community achievement.  Volunteers replaced Russian Olives crowding the river bank with saplings and young trees that are better suited for the river corridor. In addition, they removed over 300,000 pound of debris. This same level of enthusiasm is seen every day on public lands as volunteers give their time and talents to improve wildlife habitats and recreation opportunities.

In celebration of National Public Lands Day, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) encourages the public to visit the Muddy Mountain Environmental Education Area and National Historic Trails Interpretive Center on Saturday, September 27.  Recognizing the importance of the volunteer efforts no fees will be collected at these two local BLM recreation sites.  Eve Bennett, Outdoor Recreation Planner said. “Volunteers are vital to many public land endeavors and we hope the public will go out and visit these special places.”

While enjoying these sites, BLM encourages people to say “Thank You” to the volunteers who make these opportunities possible.  They treat every day as National Public Lands Day.

For more information contact the Casper Field Office at 307-261-7600.



Last updated: 09-26-2008