Attachment F: Modifications to Newly Constructed Facilities



1.         Court Street Plaza, Court @ Fourth Street, (2001).  Within one year of the effective date of this Agreement, the City shall complete the following modifications:



a.         Ramp

i.          The ramp is inaccessible because it has an excessive slope on landing 3 (2.30).  Provide a ramp that is at least 36 inches wide with a slope not exceeding 1:12 and a cross slope not exceeding 1:50; with level landings at least as wide as the ramp and 60 inches long at the top and bottom of the ramp; with level landings measuring at least 60 inches by 60 inches when the ramp changes direction; and edge protection that is at least 2 inches high at the drop off sides.  Provide handrails that are between 1¼ inches and 1½ inches in diameter such that the inside handrail is continuous and both handrails have a continuous gripping surface along both sides of the ramp extending at least 12 inches beyond the top and bottom of the ramp parallel with the ground surface; the handrails do not rotate within their fittings; and both handrails are mounted between 34 inches and 38 inches above the ramp surface, with ends rounded or returned smoothly to the floor, wall, or post.  Ensure that the ramp and approaches are designed so that water will not accumulate on walking surfaces.  Standards §§ 4.1.2(1), 4.1.2(2), 4.3.8, 4.8.


ii.          The ramp handrails are inaccessible because there is only one handrail that is 33 inches high, without extensions, and located 2½ inches from the wall.  Provide a ramp that is at least 36 inches wide with a slope not exceeding 1:12 and a cross slope not exceeding 1:50; with level landings at least as wide as the ramp and 60 inches long at the top and bottom of the ramp; with level landings measuring at least 60 inches by 60 inches when the ramp changes direction; and edge protection that is at least 2 inches high at the drop off sides.  Provide handrails that are between 1¼ inches and 1½ inches in diameter such that the inside handrail is continuous and both handrails have a continuous gripping surface along both sides of the ramp extending at least 12 inches beyond the top and bottom of the ramp parallel with the ground surface; the handrails do not rotate within their fittings; and both handrails are mounted between 34 inches and 38 inches above the ramp surface, with ends rounded or returned smoothly to the floor, wall, or post.  Ensure that the ramp and approaches are designed so that water will not accumulate on walking surfaces.  Standards §§ 4.1.2(1), 4.1.2(2), 4.3.8, 4.8.


2.         Public Works Headquarters, 111 Morphew Street (2003).  Within one year of the effective date of this Agreement, the City shall complete the following modifications:


a.         Parking

i.          Curb ramps

(1)        The parking is inaccessible because a curb ramp encroaches into the access aisle of one space that is designated as accessible.  Provide one accessible space and ensure that the access aisle is flat and level, with slopes and cross-slopes not exceeding 1:50 in all directions, and that the surface is firm, stable, and slip-resistant.  Standards §§ 4.1.2(5), 4.6.3, Fig. 9.


ii.          Signage

(1)        The signage designating parking for persons with disabilities is inaccessible because it can be obstructed by a parked vehicle.  At each space designated as reserved for persons with disabilities, provide a vertical sign with the International Symbol of Accessibility located such that it cannot be obstructed by vehicles parked in the space.  Standards §§ 4.1.2(5), 4.6.3, 4.6.4, 4.30.7(1), Fig. 9.


b.         Elevator

i.          Although emergency communications are provided, the elevator is inaccessible because emergency communications are not in Braille.  Provide signage that is identified by a raised symbol and lettering located adjacent to the device. Standards §§ 4.1.3(5), 4.10.14, 4.30.


3.         Albert Park: Bocce Federation office and courts, B Street @ Albert Park Lane (1996).  Within one year of the effective date of this Agreement, the City shall complete the following modifications:


a.         Toilet room single-user, unisex

i.          The toilet room is inaccessible because there is no accessible signage. Provide a toilet room sign with raised and Braille characters.  The sign shall be mounted on the wall adjacent to the latch side of the door with the centerline of the sign at 60 inches above the finished floor and situated such that a person can approach within 3 inches of the sign without encountering an obstruction or standing within a door swing.  Standards §§ 4.1.2(7)(d), 4.30.1, 4.30.4, 4.30.5, 4.30.6.


ii.          The toilet room is inaccessible because no accessible mirror has been provided.  Provide a mirror with the bottom edge of its reflecting surface no more than 40 inches above the finished floor.  Standards §§ 4.1.3(11), 4.22.6, 4.19.6.


iii.         The urinal is inaccessible because the rim height is 24 inches, and the trash can encroaches into the clear floor space of the urinal.  Provide a urinal with an elongated rim mounted 17 inches or less above the finished floor, a clear floor space of at least 30 inches wide and 48 inches deep centered on the urinal, and a flush control height of 44 inches or less above the finished floor.  Standards §§ 4.1.3(11), 4.22.5, 4.18.2, 4.18.3, 4.18.4.


iv.         The lavatory is inaccessible because the top rim is 36 inches high.  Provide a lavatory with the top of its rim or counter 34 inches or less above the finished floor; the bottom edge of the apron at least 29 inches above the finished floor; and knee and toe clearances that comply with Fig. 31.  Standards §§ 4.1.3(11), 4.22.6, 4.19.2, Fig. 31.


v.         The lavatory is inaccessible because the hot water pipes are not covered.  Provide hot water and drain pipes that are insulated or otherwise configured to protect against contact.  Standards §§ 4.1.3(11), 4.22.6, 4.19.4.


vi.         The toilet room is inaccessible because the toilet paper dispenser is 41 inches high, located above the grab bar, and 45 inches from the rear wall.  Provide a toilet paper dispenser that is mounted with its top at least 1½ inches under the side grab bar and 36 inches or less from the rear wall and is centered at least 19 inches above the finished floor.  Standards §§ 4.1.3(11), 4.22.4, 4.17.3, Fig. 30(d).


vii.        The grab bars at the toilet are inaccessible because the overall length of the side grab bar is 36 inches, and the distance of the farther end of the grab bar to the rear wall is 44 inches.  Provide a side grab bar that is at least 40 inches in overall length, with the far end mounted at least 52 inches from the rear wall and the closer end 12 inches or less from the rear wall.  Standards §§ 4.1.3(11), 4.22.4, 4.17.6, Figs. 30(a), (d).


viii.       The grab bars at the toilet are inaccessible because the distance of the farther end of the side grab bar to the rear wall is 44 inches.  Provide a side grab bar that is at least 40 inches in overall length, with the far end mounted at least 52 inches from the rear wall and the closer end 12 inches or less from the rear wall.  Standards §§ 4.1.3(11), 4.22.4, 4.17.6, Figs. 30(a), (d).


ix.         The grab bars at the toilet are inaccessible because the space between the grab bars and the wall is 3¼ inches.  Provide grab bars such that there is 1½ inches between the grab bar and the wall.  Standards §§ 4.1.3(11), 4.22.4, 4.16.4, 4.26.2, Fig. 39.


x.         The grab bars at the toilet are inaccessible because the diameter is too small.  Provide grab bars that have a diameter between 1¼ and 1½ inches.  Standards §§ 4.1.3(11), 4.22.4, 4.16.4, 4.26.2.


4.         Parking structure, Third and C Streets.  Currently under construction.  Within two years of the effective date of this Agreement, the City shall complete the following modifications:


a.         Parking

i.          Based on the architectural plans review, ensure that at each space designated as reserved for persons with disabilities, a vertical sign is provided with the International Symbol of Accessibility located such that it cannot be obstructed by vehicles parked in the space.  Standards §§ 4.1.2(5), 4.6.4, 4.30.7(1).


ii.          Based on the insufficient, vertical clearance issues at the A Street parking structure that cannot be modified, the City agrees to add one additional van accessible space to this parking structure currently under construction, for a total of 2 van accessible spaces and 7 standard accessible spaces.  On the shortest accessible route to the accessible entrance, provide 2 van accessible spaces and 7 standard spaces designated as reserved for people with disabilities.  Standard accessible spaces shall be a minimum of 96 inches wide and served by access aisles at least 60 inches wide.  Van accessible spaces shall be a minimum of 96 inches wide and served by access aisles at least 96 inches wide.  All spaces designated as reserved for people with disabilities shall have vertical signs with the International Symbol of Accessibility located such that they cannot be obstructed by parked vehicles.  Van accessible spaces shall have an additional “Van-Accessible” sign located below the International Symbol of Accessibility.  Standards §§ 4.1.2(5), 4.6, 4.30.7(1).


b.         Ramp

i.          Based on the architectural plans review, ensure that the upper-level ramps from the parking area to the elevator landing are at least 36 inches wide with a slope not exceeding 1:12 and a cross slope not exceeding 1:50; with level landings at least as wide as the ramp and 60 inches long at the top and bottom of the ramp; and with edge protection at least 2 inches high at the drop off sides.  Provide handrails that are between 1¼ inches and 1½ inches in diameter with a continuous gripping surface along both sides of the ramp, extending at least 12 inches beyond the top and bottom of the ramp parallel with the ground surface.  Ensure that handrails are mounted between 34 inches and 38 inches above the ramp surface, with ends rounded or returned smoothly to the floor, wall, or post, and that they do not rotate within their fittings.  Ensure that the ramp and approaches are designed so that water will not accumulate on walking surfaces.  Standards §§ 4.1.2(1), 4.1.2(2), 4.3.8, 4.8.