Water Resources of South Carolina Publication
blue line.


By Paul A. Conrads1, Edwin A. Roehl2 , and William P. Martello3

1 U.S. Geological Survey, Gracern Road, Suite 129, Columbia, SC, 29210
2 Advanced Data Mining, 116 Sugar Mill Lane, Greer, SC, 29650,
3Jorday, Jones, and Goulding, 745 South Milledge Ave., Athen, GA, 30605

Conference Paper
Proceeding Paper from 2002 AWRA Spring Specialty Conference
on Coast Water Resources

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      The Beaufort River is a complex estuarine river system that supports a variety of uses including shellfish grounds, fisheries nursery habitats, shipping access to Port Royal, receiving waters for wastewater effluent, and an 32-kilometer section of the Intracoastal Waterway. The river is on the 303(d) list of impaired waters of South Carolina for low dissolved-oxygen concentrations. The Clean Water Act stipulates that a Total Maximum Daily Load must be determined for impaired waters.       Artificial neural network (ANN) models and other data mining techniques were applied in the Beaufort River system to quantify the relationships between the time series of four wastewater point-source discharges and the dissolved-oxygen concentrations recorded at seven real-time gages distributed about the system. The analysis included environmental factors such as water temperature, tides, and rainfall. This paper describes findings of the relationship between one of the point sources and a nearby gage. It was found that the effects of biochemical oxygen demand and ammonia loads on the dissolved-oxygen concentrations vary significantly with water temperature and tidal conditions. Depending on tidal conditions, calculations estimate that at a water temperature of 20° Celsius, a reduction of 100 lbs/day of 5-day biochemical oxygen demand from the point source will increase the dissolved-oxygen concentration at the nearby gage by 0.073 mg/L. The corresponding change in dissolved oxygen relative to 100 lbs/day of NH3 is 0.16 mg/L.

Description of Study Area

Figure 1. The Beaufort River, SC.
Figure 2. FDO and FWT for Beaufort River at Port Royal (station 02176611).
Figure 3. Scatter plot of FDO and FWT and least-squares regression line (R2=0.88)
Figure 4. EDO and BOD5 (at a 1 day time delay). Linear R2 = 0.13.
Figure 5. Measured and Predicted EDOD. ANN used BOD5as an input at a time delay of 1 day. R2ANN = 0.57.
Figure 6. ANN Prediction of EDOD versus decorrelated ESC and BOD5 at WT=20C
Figure 7. Measured and Predicted EDOD. ANN used NH3 as an input at a time delay of 3 days. R2ANN = 0.31. Figure 8. ANN Prediction of EDOD versus decorrelated ESC and NH3 at WT = 20C.

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