
Since 1972, the Center has helped to find adoptive families for more than 21,000 U.S. children and helped countless families through the adoption process. We've gathered much information on this site. Learn how to adopt a waiting child or teenager by reading through our site. Request adoption information by filling out this form. Take our online course -- Foster Family to Forever Family.

Read about important legislation which we support. See what the latest news is about us. Help us and the children we serve by attending an event or sending us your feedback.

You may want to introduce your children to the Adoption Clubhouse, a unique website where children can learn about and express their thoughts about adoption.

The Blog Center

New Beginings

Whether one has children in the home or not, September always seems like a time of new beginnings. Here at the Center we are starting our new blog. Updated every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Go To Blog

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Adoption ClubhouseAdoption Clubhouse

An exciting website specifically for adopted children ages 8-13, their parents and others interested in knowing what's on the minds of young adoptees. Read More