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  1. What is the Feingold diet?
           Real food without the worst of the additives or aspirin-like chemicals ... more

  2. What symptoms does it help?
           Various behavior, learning & health symptoms. more. . .

    $5 DVD Introduction to the Feingold Program

  3. Does it help ADHD?
           Yes it does. Although it was originally developed as an allergy treatment, attention and behavior improvement were discovered to be a "side effect" of the diet. To see more about ADHD, see #11 below. To see more about Dr. Feingold himself, see his bio.

  4. What are the chances it will help my child/spouse/other?
           Very good. The research indicates that about 70 of 100 people can expect to have good results. However, most of these studies used only approximations of the Feingold diet. Surveys of our members have indicated that the success rate is just above 90%.

  5. Is it hard?
           No, it isn't hard to change your grocery list. However, this is actually the question parents using the Feingold Diet are asked most often. Here are some of their answers: more . . .

  6. Can we eat sugar?
           Yes. Sugar itself (in moderation) is not usually a problem ... more.

  7. Can we eat out? Do we have to give up fast food?
           Yes, you can eat out. No, you don't have to give up fast food. ... more.

  8. What is the benefit of joining the Feingold Association?
           As a Feingold member, you will get the Program materials and member-to-member support ... more

  9. And what does membership cost?
           The cost of our diet information package and a one-year's subscription (10 issues) to our newsletter is $82.50 (U.S.A.) and $88.00-USD (Canada) including all shipping and handling charges.

  10. How do I join and receive these materials?
           Go to the order form for USA ... CANADA ... Other Countries
    People in countries outside the U.S. and Canada may also access a lot of information which we hope will be helpful by becoming an International Member (free).

  11. I am thinking of using the Feingold Diet because my child (or myself) has been diagnosed with ADHD . . . what is ADHD anyhow?
           ADHD is the newest name for a group of behavioral symptoms the diet has been shown to help. more . . .
    Last Updated 12/2/08

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    • This site provides information, but hosts no advertisements, and receives no funding from advertising.
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    • Your email address and any other information you may share with us is confidential.
    • Neither membership information nor any contact information is ever shared with any third party.
    • Comments on the member message board are accessed only by password-holding subscribing members. No comments, pictures, or names of members or other persons contacting us are recorded openly on the web site or in our newsletters without permission in writing.
    • This website is for educational purposes only. Neither a diagnosis nor a prescription is required in order to implement the Feingold Program as a healthy diet choice. This information is not intended, however, to replace competent medical diagnosis.
