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Election 2008

This year’s historic election, which will send the nation’s first African-American president to the White House and many new legislators to the House and Senate, means new implications for long-term care providers and the people they serve. We've provided an analysis what a new administration and Congress means for the AAHSA community. Election 2008: Implications for Aging Services.

Latest News


New York Times: Unable to Sell Homes, Elderly Forgo Move to Assisted Living

11/24/2008 - Our own Larry Minnix discusses the effects of the declining housing market on the elderly and their ability to move into retirement communities or assisted-living centers. Some assisted-living centers are working with real estate agents to help prospective residents prepare their homes for showings. Read more.

Kerrey Editorial Discusses Long-Term Care Financing

11/24/2008 - The Chicago Tribune recently published an editorial from former Sen. Bob Kerrey (D-Neb.) about long-term care financing. In his editorial, Kerrey, now the president of The New School in New York City, references our Long-Term Care Solution financing plan, which he described as "an innovative and affordable way to finance the cost of care." Our proposal includes a national insurance trust that would offer broad-based access to long-term care insurance, and offers cash payments to those who become disabled to pay for the services they need. Read More.

Nursing Home Value-Based Purchasing Demonstration Moving Forward

11/24/2008 - The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is proceeding with a demonstration of Medicare incentive payments to nursing homes based on their quality performance on staffing, appropriate hospitalizations, minimum data set (MDS) outcomes and survey deficiencies. The agency will soon select four or five states to "host" the demonstration and then will solicit nursing homes within those states to participate in the demonstration. More information.

Affordable Housing: What to Expect from the New Administration

11/24/2008 - Prior to the election, President-elect Barack Obama sent a letter to U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) employees outlining his vision for the department. Since winning the election, the president-elect has acted quickly to get his policy team in place. The HUD transition team includes several housing experts, including former HUD staff. They have been warned that the department will require a major overhaul to meet its current challenges. The biggest decision to impact HUD will be the new secretary. More information.

Upcoming Events

New Supplemental Compliance Program Guidance for Nursing Homes

Join us Nov. 20 from 2 to 3 p.m. for this audio conference to hear an AAHSA in-house legal expert and two OIG attorneys discuss the guidance as it relates to quality of care, false claims and anti-kickback issues, and more. More information.

AAHSA 2009 Leadership Summit

Be sure to attend our 2009 summit in San Francisco, Calif., from Jan. 26-27. The summit, entitled The Hidden Power of Teamwork, features Patrick Lencioni, and will focus on how properly utilizing teams can help your organization during these tough economic times. More information.
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