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EF/ TRI Logo Column Name: TRI_CHEM_ID

Description: The number assigned to chemicals regulated under Section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA). For most toxic chemicals or mixture of chemicals (e.g., xylene mixed isomers), the TRI_CHEM_ID is the Chemical Abstract Service Registry (CAS) number. A given listed toxic chemical or mixture may be known by many names but it will have only one CAS number. For example, methyl ethyl ketone and 2-butanone are synonyms for the same toxic chemical and thus have only one C AS number (78-93-3). For categories of chemicals for which CAS Registry numbers have not been assigned, a four-character category code, asssigned by TRI, is included in TRI_CHEM_ID. Form R section 1.1 will be empty if a trade secret was claimed for the toxic chemical and information is provided in Section 1.3 or 2.1.

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Definition Source: TRI Program Division; TRIS Data Dictionary

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