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MODIS Daily Surface Reflectance 1km and 500m QA Science Data Sets

The QA information below is excerpted from an HDF-EOS file of the MODIS Surface Reflectance product MYD09GA, and is also available in the V005 file specifications found at ftp://modular.nascom.nasa.gov/pub/LatestFilespecs/collection5/.

The MYD09GA product includes two data groups, one for the 1-km state data and one for the 500-m reflectance data.  Between both, there are four bit fields subject to interpretation.  Table 1 describes the 1-km QA State.  Table 2 is the bit legend for the 1-km geolocation flags.  Table 3 describes the 500-m QA values. Table 4 interprets the q_scan values relating 250-m to 500-m data.

Table 1: 1-kilometer State QA Descriptions (16-bit)

Note that all bit flags in this SDS can be applied to the respective 500m and 250m reflectance data.

Bit No. Parameter Name Bit Comb. state_1km
0-1 cloud state 00 clear
01 cloudy
10 mixed
11 not set, assumed clear
2 cloud shadow 1 yes
0 no
3-5 land/water flag 000 shallow ocean
001 land
010 ocean coastlines and lake shorelines
011 shallow inland water
100 ephemeral water
101 deep inland water
110 continental/moderate ocean
111 deep ocean
6-7     aerosol quantity 00 climatology
01 low
10 average
11 high
8-9 cirrus detected 00 none
01 small
10 average
11 high
10 internal cloud algorithm flag 1 cloud
0 no cloud
11 internal fire algorithm flag 1 fire
0 no fire
12 MOD35 snow/ice flag 1 yes
0 no
13 Pixel is adjacent to cloud 1 yes
0 no
14 BRDF correction performed 1 yes
0 no
15 internal snow algorithm flag 1 yes
0 no

Table 2: 1-kilometer Geolocation Flags (16-bit)

Bit No. Description Bit Comb. state_1km
0-2 fill 00 Fill
3 Sensor range validity flag 0 Valid
1 Invalid
4 Digital elevation model quality flag 0 Valid
1 Missing/inferior
5 Terrain data validity 0 Valid
1 Invalid
6 Ellipsoid intersection flag 0 Valid intersection
1 No intersection
7 Input data flag 0 Valid
1 Invalid

Table 3: 500-meter QA Descriptions (32-bit)

Bit No. Parameter Name Bit Comb. QC_500m
0-1 MODLAND QA bits 00 corrected product produced at ideal quality all bands
01 corrected product produced at less than ideal quality some or all bands
10 corrected product not produced due to cloud effects all bands
11 corrected product not produced due to other reasons some or all bands may be fill value [Note that a value of (11) overrides a value of (01)].
2-5     band 1 data quality four bit range 0000 highest quality
0111 noisy detector
1000 dead detector; data interpolated in L1B
1001 solar zenith >= 86 degrees
1010 solar zenith >= 85 and < 86 degrees
1011 missing input
1100 internal constant used in place of climatological data for at least one atmospheric constant
1101 correction out of bounds pixel constrained to extreme allowable value
1110 L1B data faulty
1111 not processed due to deep ocean or clouds
6-9 band 2 data quality four bit range SAME AS BAND ABOVE
10-13   band 3 data quality four bit range SAME AS BAND ABOVE
14-17   band 4 data quality four bit range SAME AS BANDABOVE
18-21   band 5 data quality four bit range SAME AS BAND ABOVE
22-25 band 6 data quality four bit range SAME AS BAND ABOVE
26-29   band 7 data quality four bit range SAME AS BAND ABOVE
30 atmospheric correction performed 1 yes
0 no
31 adjacency correction performed 1 yes
0 no

The 250-m samples are for each of four quadrants within a 500-m cell.  The first line/sample is in the upper left (north-west) corner of the image.

          0 -- first 250m line (row), first 250m sample (column)

          1 -- first 250m line, second 250m sample

          2 -- second 250m line, first 250m sample

          3 -- second 250m line, second 250m sample.

Table 4:  250-meter Scan Value Information Description (8-bit)

Bit No. Parameter Name Bit Comb. q_scan
0 missing observation in quadrant 4 [+0.5 row, +0.5 column]; 1 yes
0 no
1 missing observation in quadrant 3 [+0.5 row, -0.5 column]; 1 yes
0 no
2   missing observation in quadrant 2 [-0.5 row, +0.5 column] 1 yes
0 no
3 missing observation in quadrant 1 [-0.5 row, -0.5 column] 1 yes
0 no
4   scan of observation in quadrant 4 [+0.5 row, +0.5 column] 1 same
0 different
5   scan of observation in quadrant 3 [+0.5 row, +0.5 column] 1 same
0 different
6 scan of observation in quadrant 2 [+0.5 row, +0.5 column] 1 same
0 different
7 scan of observation in quadrant 1 [+0.5 row, +0.5 column] 1 same
0 different

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URL: http://LPDAAC.usgs.gov/modis/qa/myd09ga_qa_v5.asp
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Last Update: Tuesday, June 12, 2007
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