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Welcome to Lighthouse International

Founded in New York City in 1905, Lighthouse International is a leading non-profit organization dedicated to preserving vision and to providing critically needed vision and rehabilitation services to help people of all ages overcome the challenges of vision loss. Through clinical services, education, research, and advocacy, the Lighthouse enables people with low vision and blindness to enjoy safe, independent and productive lives.

Get the Facts
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Whether you're looking for information on macular degeneration, cataracts, or any other cause of low vision, we have it. Click here to find out more about eye disorders, tips for preventing vision loss, confident living, designing visually accessible print materials and more!

Get Help Today
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If you're experiencing vision loss, or know someone who is, find out how the vision healthcare services offered in our New York City and Hudson Valley offices can help you adjust, remain active and enhance your quality of life. Our expert low vision doctors can perform a specialized eye exam and prescribe optical devices that can maximize your remaining vision.

Our rehabilitation professionals can teach you how to travel on your own and cook safely as well as continue to work, use the computer -- and do anything else you thought was impossible.

Click here to learn about our services for infants, children and teens who are visually impaired.


What's New
Achilles Runners

Expanded Accessibility Information from Lighthouse International

LowBrowseTM Featured in Accessibility Article in the Wall Street Journal

Target.com Website Accessibility Lawsuit Settled

New Software Increases Web Accessibility for the Visually Impaired

September is Children's Eye Health Month

Achilles Track Club Hope and Possibility Five-Mile Run

The Filomen M. D'Agostino Greenberg Music School Pays Tribute to a Former Director


Get Involved
Lighthouse Volunteers

By making a donation, volunteering, becoming an advocate, attending an event, your efforts can make a big difference in the lives of people who are partially sighted or blind. And be sure to stay up-to-date by signing up for our newsletters!