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Biology - Science Support Partnership Program

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Science Support Selections are made for FY2007

I am very pleased to announce awards for FY2007 funding under the Science Support Partnership. These selections are made based on priority research and management needs as determined by the FWS Regional and Washington Offices. Congratulations to those who have been selected for this important collaborative effort between USGS and FWS.

The enclosed Excel workbook includes all activities to be funded this year; ID numbers beginning with ‘07’ indicate a new award. Please note that there are two sheets, one is sorted by USGS Regions and Centers, the other is organized by FWS Regions. 

Download FY2007 Accouncement List

SSP in 2007
This year SSP will support 90 activities in all totaling just over $4 million. Forty-five of these activities are new for 2007. Funding support ranges from 1.5K to 112K, and averages 41K. In some cases, SSP funding is combined with other funding sources, such as Quick Response, however only SSP funding is included in this list. The Science Support Partnership has undertaken more than 350 activities in support of FWS information needs since the program initiated in 2001.

Next Steps
Funding for continuing activities and new technical assistance activities are scheduled for disbursal on the initial budget allocation. No further documentation is required for PIs to receive funds. Exactly when this will happen depends on the actions of Congress. Funds of course are not available until an appropriation is made and the continuing resolution is over.

New activities which include research components require a peer reviewed study plan prior to the release of funds. PIs should initiate the peer review process using your local (Science Center or Coop Unit) peer review policy. Upon completion of the peer review process, please submit a copy of the study plan, including appropriate supervisory approval, to Steve Hilburger in Reston. Electronic copies are preferred, although hardcopy and faxes are also acceptable. Regardless of the submission method, supervisory approvals must be included as evidence of the review. Individual peer review comments are not required. Once the plan is received, a change of allocation will be prepared to disburse the funds.

Please refer to the “Study Plan Status” column of the announcement list if you are not sure if a study plan is required. 

PIs or other appropriate Center/Coop Unit staff are required to include a description of the work under BASIS+ project 3210APN. A subtask number is assigned to each activity at the time funds are dispersed. The PI and AO are set up as Task Leaders, others may be added if required.

A complete summary of the funding process may be found here.

This information was disseminated via email to Center Directors, Coop Unit Supervisors, and Regional Staff on October 6, 2006.

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