Glossary Term Name
This is a placeholder for glossary term definitions.

We're Here to Help
If you or someone you love has recently been diagnosed with type 1 (juvenile) diabetes, we at JDRF can help.

Our Online Diabetes Support Team (ODST) is made up of JDRF volunteers who have "been there" and are available to offer you immediate, one-on-one support. We also provide loads of practical info about diabetes and its management.

Life with Diabetes E-Newsletter
November 2008

Just for KIDS
JDRF Kids Online features pen pals, stories, and much more.




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Walk Central:
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Over 200 locations worldwide. Family teams, corporate teams, and individual walkers welcome. Sign up and be a part of the cure!

Tax-Free Gifts from IRA Accounts Reauthorized
October 6, 2008

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