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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Vitamin D and Calcium

Full Title: The Relationships of Vitamin D and Calcium Intakes to Nutrient Status Indicators and Health Outcomes

Expected Release Date: late 2009

Key Questions*

  1. What is the effect of exposures on functional or clinical outcomes?
    1. What factors affect this relationship?
  2. What is the effect of exposures on indicators of functional or clinical outcomes?
    1. What factors affect this relationship?
  3. What is the effect of indicators of exposure or body stores on functional or clinical outcomes?
    1. What factors affect this relationship?
  4. What is the effect of exposures on indicators of exposure or body stores?
    1. What factors affect this relationship?
  5. What is the effect of indicators of exposure or body stores and intermediate indicators of outcomes?
    1. What factors affect this relationship?
  6. What is the effect of intermediate indicators of outcomes and functional or clinical outcomes?
    1. What factors affect this relationship?

*To be addressed in evidence report.

Current as of October 2008

Internet Citation:

The Relationships of Vitamin D and Calcium Intakes to Nutrient Status Indicators and Health Outcomes, Clinical Focus. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.


AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care