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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Labor, Elective Induction

Full Title: Elective Induction of Labor

Expected Release Date: late 2008

Key Questions*

  1. What evidence describes the maternal risks of:
    1. Elective induction vs. expectant management?
    2. Elective induction vs. elective cesarean section?
  2. What evidence describes the fetal/neonatal risks of:
    1. Elective induction vs. expectant management?
    2. Elective induction vs. elective cesarean section?
  3. What is the evidence that certain physical conditions/patient characteristics (e.g., parity, cervical dilatation, previous pregnancy outcome) are predictive of a successful induction of labor?
  4. How is failed induction defined?

*To be addressed in evidence report.

Current as of April 2007

Internet Citation:

Elective Induction of Labor, Clinical Focus. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.


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