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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS)

Full Title: Diagnosis and Management of Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS)

Expected Release Date: late 2009

Key Questions*

  1. What are the incidence and prevalence of DCIS and its specific pathologic subtypes, and how are incidence and prevalence influenced by mode of detection, population characteristics, and other risk factors?
    • Age.
    • Race.
    • Genetics.
    • Menopausal status.
    • Chemoprevention.
    • Menopausal HT use.
    • BMI.
    • Mammographic breast density.
  2. How does the use of MRI or sentinel lymph node biopsy impact important outcomes in patients diagnosed with DCIS?
    • Mastectomy rates.
    • In-breast recurrence of DCIS or invasive cancer.
    • Rates of metastases.
    • Disease-specific survival rates.
    • Rates of chemotherapy or hormonal therapy use.
  3. How do local control and systemic outcomes vary in DCIS based on tumor and patient characteristics?
    • Tumor/Patient Characteristics:
      • Specimen radiography features.
      • Margin status (width).
      • Tumor size.
      • Histological grade.
      • ER/PR status.
      • Volume of tumor evaluated.
  4. In patients with DCIS, what is the impact of surgery, radiation, and systemic treatment on outcomes?
    • Systemic treatment = tamoxifen and raloxifene.
    • Outcomes:
      • Local, regional, and distant recurrence.
      • Contralateral disease.
      • Disease-specific survival.
  5. What are the most critical research questions for the diagnosis and management of DCIS?

*To be addressed in evidence report.

Current as of June 2008

Internet Citation:

Diagnosis and Management of Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS), Clinical Focus. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.


AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care