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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

HIV & AIDS Costs & Use

Research Findings

News and Numbers

Date   Title
11/28/07 Hospitalizations for Children with HIV Drop by Nearly Two Thirds

Research Activities, August 2008:
Studies reveal wide use of drugs and alcohol and underuse of substance abuse treatment by those with HIV disease
Nearly one in five patients with HIV infection continues to be treated by drugs to which their HIV has tested resistant

Research Activities, July 2008:
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends that at-risk men and women be screened for certain sexually transmitted infections
Physician experience may influence outcomes of hospitalized patients with HIV disease more than hospital HIV experience

Research Activities, May 2008:
Worries about finances often prompt patients with HIV disease to skimp on their antiretroviral medication
Poor literacy is linked to poor HIV medication adherence among blacks, and may contribute to HIV health disparities

Research Activities, April 2008:
Studies examine the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the South

Research Activities, February 2008:
Medicare drug plans cover a good selection of drugs for nursing home residents, but plan vigilance should continue

Research Activities, January 2008:
Illinois hospitals are not ready to implement intrapartum strategies to eradicate pediatric HIV infection
Hospitalizations for complications from HIV declined between 1998 and 2005

Research Activities, December 2007:
Patients with HIV who share treatment decisions with their doctor have better outcomes

Research Activities, November 2007:
Several factors prompt patients with HIV to voluntarily switch physicians
Late diagnosis of HIV is a problem for older patients, many of whom aren't diagnosed until they've already developed AIDS

Research Activities, September 2007:
Drug therapy has reduced hospitalization for HIV patients, but those hospitalized are getting older and sicker
Effectively treating other medical conditions in patients with HIV may reduce HIV's overall impact on functioning
Available and timely access to AZT for HIV-infected mothers giving birth needs to be improved in Illinois birthing hospitals

Research Activities, August 2007:
Patients infected with both HIV and hepatitis C virus lose more weight than those with only one of the infections
Substance abuse and psychiatric illness account for the majority of hospital admissions among homeless veterans

Research Activities, May 2007:
Case management may improve adherence to antiviral therapy as well as outcomes of HIV-infected homeless persons

Research Activities, April 2007:
High out-of-pocket costs for antiretroviral therapy are linked to more treatment failures among HIV-infected patients in Botswana
Updated pharmacy data can track whether HIV patients are maintaining enough adherence for treatment success

Research Activities, March 2007:
HIV-infected women receive worse quality of care than HIV-infected men
Dysthymia may contribute to the disparity in use of antiretroviral therapy between men and women

Research Activities, November 2006:
More convenient HIV treatment can be as effective as more complex regimens

Research Activities, October 2006:
Less than half of parents infected with HIV tell their children about the diagnosis

Research Activities, March 2006:
Inmates who are released from prison often join the ranks of the homeless

Research Activities, February 2006:
Experienced nurse practitioners and physician assistants provide high-quality care for people with HIV
More Latinos than whites die before age 45 due to higher rates of diabetes, HIV, liver disease, and homicide

Research Activities, December 2005:
AHRQ sponsors Medical Care supplement on new HIV/AIDS empirical studies
Hospital admissions of patients with HIV have fallen by more than half since 1995

Research Activities, November 2005:
Generalist physicians with appropriate experience and expertise can provide high-quality care to patients with HIV

Research Activities, October 2005:
Study explores women's attitudes and barriers to acceptance of an HIV vaccine

Research Activities, August 2005:
Delays and missed opportunities persist in diagnosing patients with unrecognized HIV infection

Research Activities, May 2005:
Many HIV-infected parents worry needlessly about transmitting HIV to their children
Researchers examine effects of antiretroviral therapy on increases in serum liver enzymes in HIV-infected patients

Research Activities, April 2005:
Study finds no evidence that antiretroviral therapy causes serious liver disease in HIV patients coinfected with hepatitis C
HIV-infected patients with severe depression or bipolar disorder often do not adhere to their medication regimens
Improvement in HIV care within the VA health system has been substantial, but some disparities persist

Research Activities, March 2005:
Clinics funded by the Ryan White CARE Act provide more specialized and comprehensive HIV care than other HIV clinics

Research Activities, February 2005:
Study finds racial disparities in receipt of state-of-the-art care for HIV disease
Organizational research can help clinicians make decisions about staff and IT systems

Research Activities, December 2004:
Maintenance of antiretroviral therapy despite low-level viremia in HIV patients appears to be appropriate

Research Activities, August 2004:
Study uncovers major differences in the use and cost of health care for privately insured men and women with HIV
Hospital costs and length of stay for HIV patients depend in part on geographic area

Research Activities, July 2004:
For women with HIV and abnormal Pap smears, colposcopy should continue to be the next step to rule out cervical cancer
Study finds delays in prescribing protease inhibitors for some HIV-infected individuals
Alleviating HIV symptoms is critical for patients' mental health

Research Activities, June 2004:
Referral of ED patients to outpatient HIV testing is not an effective way to identify unrecognized HIV infection

Research Activities, May 2004:
Improved pain management could reduce use of outpatient care and associated costs for patients with HIV disease

Research Activities, April 2004:
Incidence of hepatitis C virus is low among HIV-infected women and usually is linked to drug use

Research Activities, February 2004:
AHRQ researchers examine use of hospital, emergency, and outpatient care among patients with HIV disease

Research Activities, January 2004:
Assay for HIV protease inhibitors in patient blood developed to improve patient care
Recent HCSUS studies focus on HIV infection in older individuals and women, use of complementary and alternative therapies, and insurance status


AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care