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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Performance Plans for Fiscal Year 2001 and 2002 and Performance Report for Fiscal Year 2000



The Agency for Health Care Policy and Research was reauthorized as the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality in December 1999 under P.L. 106-129, the Healthcare Research and Quality Act of 1999. AHRQ, a part of the U.S. Public Health Service within HHS, is the lead agency charged with supporting research designed to improve the quality of health care, reduce its cost, improve patient safety, address medical errors, and broaden access to essential services.

AHRQ sponsors and conducts research that provides evidence-based information on health care outcomes, quality, cost, use, and access. The information helps health care decisionmakers—patients and clinicians, health system leaders, and policymakers—make more informed decisions and improve the quality of health care services.

The AHRQ FY 2002 performance plan has the following format:

  • Part 1 describes the Agency's mission, strategic goals, and programs and includes the basic frameworks that the Agency uses to accomplish its core business.
  • Part 2 presents the Agency's six performance goals.

The structure of the performance goals and measures was modified in FY 2001 to reflect the two budget lines that fund the Agency's program activities:

  1. Research on health care outcomes, quality, cost, use and access.
  2. The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS).

The goals for the third budget line, Program Support, focuses on internal management issues for contracts management and information system development. Although the measures continue to be important and remain in place for internal accountability in the Office of Management Operations Plan and performance plans for the managers and staff, they have been removed from the plan.

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Part 1: Agency Context for Performance Measurement

1.1. Agency Vision, Mission, and Long-term Goals

Vision. AHRQ's vision is to foster health care research that helps the American health care system provide access to high quality, cost-effective services; be accountable and responsive to consumers and purchasers; and improve health status and quality of life.

Mission. The Agency's mission is to improve the outcomes and quality of health care services, reduce its costs, address patient safety, and broaden access to effective services, through establishing a broad base of scientific research and promoting improvements in clinical and health system practices, including preventing diseases and other health conditions.

The Agency promotes health care quality improvement by conducting and supporting health services research that develops and presents scientific evidence regarding all aspects of health care. Health services research:

  • Addresses issues of "organization, delivery, financing, utilization, patient and provider behavior, quality, outcomes, effectiveness, and cost.
  • Evaluates both clinical services and the system in which these services are provided.
  • Provides information about the cost of care, its effectiveness, outcomes, efficiency, and quality.
  • Includes studies of the structure, process, and effects of health services for individuals and populations.
  • Addresses both basic and applied research questions, including fundamental aspects of both individual and system behavior and the application of interventions in practice settings." (1)

Strategic Goals. AHRQ has identified three strategic goals that will contribute to improving the quality of health care for all Americans:

  1. Support Improvements in Health Outcomes. AHRQ seeks to support research to understand and improve decisionmaking at all levels of the health care system, the outcomes of health care and, in particular, what works, for whom, when, and at what cost.
  2. Strengthen Quality Measurement and Improvement. AHRQ is interested in a broad array of research topics, including studies to develop valid and reliable measures of the process and outcomes of care, causation and prevention of errors in health care, strategies for incorporating measures of quality improvement into programs, and dissemination and implementation of validated quality improvement mechanisms.
  3. Identify Strategies To Improve Access, Foster Appropriate Use, and Reduce Unnecessary Expenditures. AHRQ focuses on whether particular approaches to health care delivery and financing, or characteristics of the health care market, alter behaviors in ways that improve access and promote cost-effective use of health care resources.

AHRQ Strategic Plan. The strategic plan will serve as the road map for AHRQ activities through 2002. The current plan was released in December 1998 after an extensive planning process and was made widely available for comment. In 2001, AHRQ will publish its second "Request for Ideas" (RFI) soliciting ideas from the Agency's customers and the general public for priorities in the context of planning for the new Strategic Plan.

AHRQ assesses the progress made toward achieving each of the goals as part of the annual planning and budget development process. These assessments are integral to AHRQ's compliance with the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 and provide the backdrop against which the next year's activities are planned. The completion of the 1999 performance report provided valuable information to the Agency on progress toward strategic goals. Results have been used to gather new knowledge, improve research management, and strengthen dissemination activities.

1. Eisenberg JM. Health Services Research in a Market-Oriented Health Care System. Health Affairs, Vol. 17, No. 1:98-108, 1998.

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1.2 Organization, Programs, Operations, and Strategies

AHRQ Organization. General program direction and strategic planning is accomplished through the collaboration of the Office of the Director (with its 3 administrative offices) and 6 Research Centers that have programmatic responsibility for portions of the Agency's research portfolio. The Agency planning processes are linked to budget planning and performance management through GPRA.

Each Office and Center (O/C) has individual strategic and operations plans. The annual operations plans identify critical success factors that illustrate how each O/C contributes to AHRQ achieving its strategic and annual performance plan goals, as well as internal O/C management goals. At the end of each year, the O/C Directors and their staffs review their accomplishments in relation to the annual operations plans and draft the next year's plans. The results of the reviews contribute significantly to performance reports that are influential in revising the operations plans.

As a result of the increased emphasis on strategic planning, evaluation activities have taken on greater focus. Evaluations are used to demonstrate the impact of Agency work on the health care system, to test and improve the usefulness and usability of Agency products, and to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of internal operations. The results of the evaluation studies are used to make planning, budget, and operations decisions in subsequent years, as well as for GPRA reporting purposes. Goal 4 of the Performance Report presents evaluations of significant AHRQ programs.

AHRQ Programs, Operations, and Strategies. The main focus of AHRQ research is on delivering health care and identifying ways to measure and improve it. The Agency's research portfolio consists of intramurally and extramurally funded work. Extramural research is the primary source of studies on outcomes and effectiveness. AHRQ sponsored and conducted research measures the effectiveness of the services that deliver preventive, diagnostic, and therapeutic care, compares them with existing practice, and evaluates the ability of the health care system to deliver them effectively. The Agency's reauthorization led to an increased focus on patient safety, the reduction in medical errors, and research that will accelerate and magnify the impact of research on clinical practice and patient outcomes. Through the Translating Research Into Practice (TRIP) agenda, the Agency sponsors applied research to develop sustainable and replicable models and tools to improve the quality, outcomes, effectiveness, efficiency, and cost effectiveness of health care.

The Research Pipeline. The AHRQ portfolio reflects a "pipeline" (26 KB) of activities that together build the infrastructure, tools, and knowledge for improvements in the American health care system. This pipeline begins with the funding of new research that answers important questions about what works in American health care (New Knowledge on Priority Health Issues).

The second part of the pipeline (New Tools and Talent for a New Century) is focused on more applied research and translates new knowledge into instruments for measurement, databases, informatics, and other applications that can be used to assess and improve care.

The final part of the pipeline brings the first two parts together by closing the gap between what we know and what we do (Translating Research Into Practice). AHRQ funds research and demonstrations to translate the knowledge and tools into measurable improvements in the care Americans receive.

AHRQ Audiences. Agency activities begin and end with the end-users of Agency research. AHRQ customers require evidence-based information to inform health policy decisions. Health policy choices in this context represent three general levels of decisionmaking:

  1. Clinical Policy Decisions.: Information is used every day by clinicians, consumers, patients, and health care institutions to make choices about what works, for whom, when, and at what cost.
  2. Health Care Organizations Policy Decisions. Health plan and system administrators, policymakers, and purchasers are confronted daily by choices on how to improve the health care system's ability to provide access to and deliver high-quality, high-value care.
  3. Public Policy Decisions. Information is used by policymakers to expand their capability to monitor and evaluate the impact of system changes on outcomes, quality, access, cost, and use of health care and to devise policies designed to improve the performance of the system. These decisions include those made by Federal, State, and local policymakers and those that affect the entire population or certain segments of the public.
Levels of Decisionmaking
Clinical Services Health Systems Public Policy
Access, Cost, & Use      

AHRQ Cycle of Research. Producing meaningful contributions to the Nation and to research on health care requires continuous activity focused on iterative improvement in priority setting, on developing research initiatives, and on research products and processes. The following research cycle (8 KB) describes the processes AHRQ uses to conduct its ongoing activities in order to make the most productive use of its resources.

Needs Assessment. Agency activities begin and end with the end-users of Agency research. The research agenda is based on an assessment of gaps in the knowledge base and on the needs of patients, clinicians, institutions, plans, purchasers, and State and Federal policymakers for evidence-based information. Input gained during the needs assessments feeds directly into the research initiatives undertaken by the Agency, as well as the products developed from research findings to facilitate use in health care.

Knowledge Creation. AHRQ will support and conduct research to produce the next generation of knowledge needed to improve the health care system. Building on the last 10 years of investment in outcomes and health care research, AHRQ will focus on national priority areas for which much remains unknown.

Translation and Dissemination. Simply producing knowledge is not sufficient; findings must be useful and made widely available to practitioners, patients, and other decisionmakers. The Agency will systematically identify priority areas for improving care through integrating findings into practice and will determine the most effective ways of doing this. Additionally, AHRQ will continue to synthesize and translate knowledge into products and tools that support its customers in problem-solving and decision making. It will then actively disseminate the knowledge, products, and tools to appropriate audiences. Effective dissemination involves forming partnerships with other organizations and leveraging resources.

Evaluation. Knowledge development is a continuous process that includes a feedback loop that depends on evaluating the research's utility to the end user and impact on health care. In order to assess the ultimate outcomes of AHRQ research, the Agency will place increased emphasis on evaluating the impact and usefulness of Agency-supported work in health care settings and policymaking. The evaluation activities will include a variety of projects, from smaller, short-term projects that assess process, outputs, and interim outcomes to larger, retrospective projects that assess the ultimate outcomes and impact of AHRQ activities on the health care system.

Priority Populations. Health services research has consistently documented the persistent, and at times great disparities in health status and access to appropriate health care services for certain groups. The Agency's 1999 reauthorization legislation mandated creating an Office of Priority Populations to continue to build the research and associated activities that AHRQ undertakes to eliminate disparities in health care for priority populations . These populations include racial and ethnic minorities, women, children (including adolescents), the elderly, people with special needs (disabilities, chronic illness, end-of-life issues), low income populations, and those from inner-city and rural (including frontier) areas with health care delivery issues.

In FY 2000, AHRQ developed the structure for the Agency's Office of Priority Populations Research (OPPR) to continue focusing on developing science-based information to address issues of access to care, outcomes, quality, and the cost and use of services for each of these priority populations. The OPPR leadership will be implemented in FY 2001.

Training. AHRQ assures a strong infrastructure for health services research through investments in training and supporting young investigators. Critical areas of emphasis include:

  • Bringing diversity to the health services research workforce by increasing the number of trained minority researchers.
  • Instituting training programs to build research capacity in states that have not traditionally been involved in health services research, but are interested in developing the needed infrastructure.
  • Training programs in emerging and innovative research methods, aimed at junior-level researchers and mid-career scientists.
  • Training programs that build curricula and foster innovative training approaches.

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1.3. Partnerships and Coordination

AHRQ is not able to accomplish its mission alone. Partnerships formed with the agencies within HHS, with other components of the Federal Government, with State and local governments, and with private-sector organizations play a critical role in enabling the Agency to achieve its goals.

Most of the Agency's partnerships are related to:

  • Developing new research knowledge:
    • AHRQ co-funds individual research projects and sponsors joint research solicitations with agencies within HHS, such as the National Insitutes of Health (NIH), Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
    • AHRQ co-funds research with academic institutions and foundations such as the David and Lucille Packard Foundation.
  • Developing tools, measures, and decision support mechanisms:
    • Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and the AARP partnered with AHRQ to develop the Put Prevention into Practice Personal Health Guide for Adults Over 50, launched at the Healthy People 2010 conference on January 25, 2000.
    • An increasing number of agencies (such as NIH, HCFA, and the Veterans Administration (VA) are working closely with AHRQ's Evidence-based Practice Centers to develop assessments of existing scientific evidence to guide their work.
    • Evidence reports are being used to develop clinical practice guidelines by organizations such as the American Psychiatric Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, American Academy of Physicians, American Academy of Cardiology, American Heart Association, and the Consortium for Spinal Cord Medicine.
    • The Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) is a long standing public-private partnership between AHRQ and 26 partner states to build a multi-state data system.
  • Translating research into practice:
    • 14 companies and organizations (e.g. Midwest Business Group on Health, IBM, United Parcel Service, National Consumers League) have joined AHRQ in disseminating its Quality Navigational Tool designed to assist individuals to apply research findings on quality measures and make major decisions regarding health plans, doctors, treatments, hospitals, and long-term care.
    • 14 organizations and companies have joined AHRQ in disseminating smoking cessation materials (e.g. American Cancer Society, American Academy of Pediatrics, Michigan Department of Community Health, Utah Tobacco Prevention and Control System).

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1.4. Summary FY 2000 Performance Report: Accountability through Performance Measurement

AHRQ uses its strategic plan to integrate the Agency's planning processes with budget development and implementation, and performance management and evaluation. The current focus is to improve the linkage between the performance indicators and the O/C annual operations plans, clarify and strengthen Agency performance reporting systems, and document more thoroughly how the results of the performance plans are used in managing the Agency.

One of the strengths of the performance plan is its alignment with the cycle of research (needs assessment, creation of new knowledge, translation and dissemination, and evaluation), and the strategic Agency plans for projects like the quality initiative, and the core MEPS activities. This alignment allows the Agency to more readily conduct gap analyses, determining where we are and where we want to be. The results of these analyses help AHRQ identify where to place further emphasis, where to continue on its current course, and where to discontinue an initiative. AHRQ investment in these core activities are rewarded by high rates of customer satisfaction and user input. For example, 90 percent of the users of MEPS data indicate they are highly satisfied, and the number of AHRQ grants funded in FY 2000 using MEPS data are twice the target goal. Additionally, the response to user requests are at and above target goals: requests received from policymakers, purchasers and plans for MEPS data tapes, analyses, and reports were responded to within promised time frames 95 percent of the time, with staff responding to 96 percent of all user requests for technical assistance within 4 working days. This is a reduction of a full day over last year's performance. In other goals, figures often exceed the targets.

As another example of its ongoing efforts to involve customers in the developmental stage, AHRQ has solicited and received extensive user contributions toward the development of the National Quality Report. Customer input has identified thousands of potential indicators of quality care. This extensive list of initial measures is currently under review for selection of a core set of broadly applicable quality measures.

Increasingly, within its annual operations plans, AHRQ is placing emphasis on:

  1. Translating and disseminating research findings, referred to by the Agency as "Translation of Research Into Practice" or TRIP.
  2. Evaluating research and products developed by the Agency that are in use in the health care system.

These two core activities are critical to the AHRQ mission to use its investments in research to change health care and impact the well being of the American public. The benefits of AHRQ funding of TRIP grants is evidenced by the scope of funded projects that span conditions, populations, and health care settings. Examples include:

  • Assessing a model for accelerating the use of evidence-based treatment guidelines for acute ischemic stroke.
  • Comparing usual care with interactive, multi-media computer based patient education to improve diabetes-related knowledge, attitudes, self-efficacy and compliance with self-care recommendations.
  • Comparing two methods of integrating services in a group practice plan serving a low-income minority Medicaid population.
  • Focusing on improving asthma outcomes for poor, inner-city, minority children.

The studies funded under the TRIP initiative also address 5 of the 6 priority conditions identified in the Department's Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health strategy.

AHRQ has maintained the same structure, goals, and objectives for the FY 2002 performance plan. As the Agency's programs move through the cycle of research, some of the specific measures used under any one goal change from year to year to reflect the programs' stages: process stage, output stage, or outcome stage. For instance, in the FY 1999 Plan, the Evidence-based Practice Centers (EPC) are represented with measures under Goal 3 representing translation and dissemination. In FY 2000 and FY 2001, the EPCs are represented under Goal 4 (evaluation) because the Agency will have moved on to assessing the actual use and impact of the EPC products in the health care system.

The performance measures give the Agency an opportunity to reflect on its efforts during the fiscal year, and assess the approaches that have been the most productive in supporting its mission (supporting, conducting, and disseminating research that improve access to care and the outcomes, quality, cost, and use of health care services). The Performance Report for FY 2000 demonstrates that the Agency has a high degree of success with its efforts to realize its goals and objectives. AHRQ has reported on 100 percent of the 53 measures contained in the Performance Report for FY 2000. Of these 53 objective performance measures, 98 percent (52 measures) of the target goals have been met or exceeded. The remaining measure is being reviewed to determine if the baseline target was overly optimistic. While the Agency's efforts to meet target goals have been very good, AHRQ continually reviews target goals to assess the need for reformulation.

A summary of AHRQ's annual performance plans' measures for FY 1999-FY 2002 follows.

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