Response to AHCPR on CERTs:

Al Zinkovich
November 17, 1998

My nomination is the study of the antibiotic protocol to cure or bring remission to sufferers of rheumatoid arthritis. The antibiotic protocol was developed by Dr. Thomas Brown with over fifty years of outcomes-based research and tens of thousands of arthritis remissions and cures using antibiotics. Dr. Brown is now deceased but there are a handful of doctors carrying on his work, including Dr. Joseph Mercola of Schaumburg Illinois; Dr. Franco in Riverside California, and Dr. Sinnott of Ida Grove, Iowa.

The reason this research is so important is to alleviate the suffering of millions of rheumatoid arthritis patients and to materially reduce the cost of treating arthritis. Today's rheumatologists standard treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is with the toxic and symptomatic drugs methotrexate and gold treatments. These drugs have never cured anyone, they just mask the symptoms. Not only are they expensive, but they require regular blood tests to determine liver and kidney damage. And, when your body can no longer tolerate these toxic drugs, the arthritis comes back with a vengeance since it has been suppressed but progressing all the time. The cost of the standard rheumatologists treatment has been estimated at $12,000 per patient per year. In contrast, the antibiotic treatment is estimated to cost $1,000 per year, not to mention the 80% cure and remission rate. Of course, the quality of life improvements and increased productivity of arthritics cannot be measured in monetary terms.

A few other points about the antibiotic protocol. The most common drugs used in the antibiotic protocol are generic minocycline or the original drug minocin. Since so many drug companies manufacture the generic minocycline, there is no reason or advantage for any of them to do any controlled studies or additional research using these drugs. Point two, the antibiotic protocol has never passed the six months double blind studies because the cure or remission can take up to four or five years for those who have had rheumatoid arthritis for an extended period of time. Dr. Brown discovered the antibiotic protocol using outcomes based research, he kept doing what worked. The books about Dr. Brown include The Road Back, The Arthritis Breakthrough, and The New Arthritis Breakthrough.

Al Zinkovich
9224-A Dansk Ridge
Indianapolis, IN 46250

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