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Skip Navigation U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Agency for Healthcare Research Quality
Evaluation of AHRQ's Partnerships for Quality Program

Appendix A. Additional Tables (continued)

Table A.6. PFQ Grant Projects—Sustainability and Diffusion of Project Interventions

Grantee Organization and Principal Investigator (PI)

Project Activities and/or Partnership will continue in Target Organizations

Further Diffusion of Project Interventions or Products

1. Altarum Institute
PI: George J. Miller

Results integrated into one large community's emergency preparedness plans


2.  American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
PI: Carole M. Lannon, Center for Health Care Quality, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

6 of 10 AAP state chapters will continue collaborations with pediatricians on ADHD care improvement;  5 of 10 chapters will continue other QI projects of this type, some with new funding.

AAP hired full time staff to continue working with state chapters on quality improvement initiatives; AAP developing additional eQIPP modules.

3. American College of Physicians (ACP)
PI: Vincenza Snow

Diabetes care process changes have become routine in some participating physician practices

ACP received funds to conduct 2 additional team-oriented practice-basd CME programs on diabetes and CVD

4. American Hospital Association (AHA), Health Research and Education Trust
PI: John R Combes

Some of the teaching hopsital-based palliative care programs ("learning labs") may host scaled down site visits


5. American Medical Association (AMA)
PI: Karen S. Kmetik

Midwest Heart Specialists (MHS) and Northwestern University Medical Faculty Foundation will continue activities and participate in follow-on projects as well.

AMA and MHS launched a follow-on 3-year project, "Cardio-Health Information Technology" funded by AHRQ to spread the MHS model to 6 other physician practice sites in 4 regions using different EMR systems, and set up a data warehouse to create feedback reports and benchmarking on other performance measures for physician-directed QI. With another grant, AMA will work with MHS, Northwestern and 4 more sites with different EMR systems.

6. American Medical Directors Association (AMDA)
PI: David F. Polakoff


Not yet known

7.  Association of California Nurse Leaders
PI: Nancy  Donaldson, CalNOC & UCSF School of Nursing


Project team executed an agreement with the American Nurses Association to use the ANA National Database for Nursing Quality Indicators Web site to transform "live" coaching at sites into a self-directed on-line process through the NDNQI Web site

8. Catholic Healthcare Partners (CHP)
PI: Donald E. Casey

5 of 6 participating CHP hospitals will continue funding the HF Advocate positions on their own

Formed the Ohio Heart Failure Coalition (OHFC) 9/05 to gain support and participation of more organizations in HF quality improvement activities in Ohio based on CHP HF GAP; HF Advocates are presenting at regional and national AHA "Get With the Guidelines" HF workshops.

9. Child Health Corporation of America (CHCA)
PI: Paul J. Sharek, Stanford University School of Medicine & L Packard Children's Hospital

Expanded participation in CHCA performance improvement activities (from 14 to aall 42 members) will continue and be funded from  regular CHCA revenues

CHCA Web site and conferences will be used to spread project results by making widely available the tools and resources created under the PFQ project

10. Connecticut Department of Public Health
PI: Louise Dembry, Yale-New Haven Health System & Yale School of Medicine


Bioterrorism preparedness course developed by the project is available on the YNHHS Web site; about 300 MDs have taken the course since 1/06, after the PFQ project ended

11. HealthFront
PI: Michael Callahan


Not yet known

12.  International Severity Info Systems, Inc.
PI: Susan Horn

Lasting care monitoring and planning documentation and workflow changes in all 11 participating facilities. Also, 7 of 11 participating facilities joined a new ISIS-led, AHRQ-funded Health Information Technology.

1 large NH chain and 1 large health system that had facilities participating in the project spread the new documentation model to  other facilities (240 more NHs in the chain). 

New AHRQ HIT grant funding work with 6 QIOs and 30 nursing facilities to implement IT-based care planning tools.

13. Joint Commission for Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO)
PI: Jerod M. Loeb

Bioterrorism/emergency preparedness survey instrument may be used as a "checklist" for hospital planning


14.  The Leapfrog Group
PI: Suzanne Delbanco

All 6 pilot leaders will continue as members of Thee Leapfrog Group and participate in its Regional Roll-Out program, working with local stakeholders to implement the Leapfrog action plan in their region

Leapfrog used lessons from the pilot projects to refine the design of its Hospital Rewards Program.

15. Lehigh Valley Hospital and Health Network
PI: Mark Young, later Kenneth D. Coburn

Diabetes care iinterventions remain in the 10 primary care practices that participated.


16. New York State Dept Of Health
PI: Suzanne Broderick/Beth Dichter

Some facilities say they integrated new practices learned in the training into standard practice.


17.  Physicians Micro Systems, Inc.
PI: Steven M Ornstein, Medical University of South Carolina

PPRNet received additional grants, focusing on alcohol and cancer, to continue some performance measurement and QI activities.

PMSI & MUSC jointly seek funds from participating practices to continue performance measurement activities.

PPRNet's goal is to grow by 25-50 practices per year;

4 related studies grew out of the project.

18. Research Triangle Institute
PI: Lucy A Savitz

All 5 health systems participate in a new AHRQ-funded, RTI-led ACTION (applied research) project and some of the 5 participate in another AHRQ-funded, RTI-led DEcIDE project


19. Texas A&M University Health Sciences Center, Rural and Community Health Institute (RCHI)
PI: Josie R Williams


Disaster preparedness training exercises used to train medical students and rural hospitals in TX

20. Visiting Nurse Service of New York, Center for Home Care Policy and Research
PI: Penny H Feldman

Diabetes Collaborative appeared to have long-lasting effects on QI activities in the 8 participating home health agencies; 7 of the 8 continued in the ReACH collaborative

ReACH (Reducing Acute Care Hospitalization) Collaborative will continue until 8/07, under a grant from RWJF, involving 10 QIOs and 69 home health agencies around the US in implementing evidence-based home care practices to reduce hospitalizations.

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