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Gridgen: A MATLAB-based Orthogonal Grid Generator

example grid of amazon coast, bathymetry

GRIDGEN is a MATLAB-based tool to construct orthogonal curvilinear grids for of NetCDF files for ECOM and SCRUM ocean circulation models. There exist command-line utilities for generating grids, but it is difficult to really see what you are doing until you are finished doing it. With gridgen, one can see the results of one's actions at each step, and even backtrack if necessary. Because of performance concerns, some routines had to be placed in native fortran and C code mex-files, so portability is a concern. So far it has run successfully on the Win95, SGI, Digital UNIX and Linux platforms. One should also be aware that the author considers this to be beta software, so use at your own risk!

Go to the tutorial or to instructions for download and installation.

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Page Last Modified: Monday, 12-Feb-2007 07:38:06 EST