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Introduction to CSLICE

Mini Vertical Slice Mini Horizontal Slice

Last Release: November 3, 1998

cslice is a MATLAB tool designed for easy visual interrogation of ECOM NetCDF files. The name cslice sort of stands for cross-slice. Not a great name, but it kind of stuck. Plus, there were already matlab routines called islice, jslice, kslice, etc., from the ECOMviz matlab package, that allowed the user to cut along the i, j, and k directions. However, cslice is somewhat more general, in that the user has interactive control over how they want the data set to be sliced, including horizontal and any orientation of vertical slicing.

cslice builds upon ECOM interrogation routines written by Rich Signell, and allows the user to

Download cslice.

Known Problems

On 32-bit SGI machines, cslice will not work with SCRUM files. There is a bug in mexcdf causing this.

If you encounter any problems, please email me at Include as many of the error messages as your system feels like giving you, and your particular version of MATLAB as well.

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Release Notes

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