ROBERT A. DESCHAMBAULT AND SIDNEY JAY HARRISON, PETITIONERS V. JAMES SOWELL No. 86-833 In the Supreme Court of the United States October Term, 1986 On Petition for a Writ of Certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit Reply Memorandum for the Petitioners This case presents the same issue as Westfall v. Erwin, petition for cert. pending, No. 86-714, and we therefore suggested in our petition that the Court hold this case pending its disposition of the petition in Westfall. In order to facilitate the Court's consideration of the issue presented in these cases, respondent's arguments opposing certiorari are addressed in the reply memorandum that we have filed in Westfall. (We have served respondent's counsel with a copy of that reply memorandum.) Respectfully submitted. CHARLES FRIED Solicitor General FEBRUARY 1987